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A Decision I Have Yet to Regret
Citation:   DXM Fan. "A Decision I Have Yet to Regret: An Experience with DXM (exp18142)". Mar 1, 2022.

500 - 550 mg oral DXM (powder / crystals)
DXM Powder Experiences/Thoughts

Over the past few months, the supply of weed on my college campus has shrunk to a mere trickle. When searching for more available methods of altering our minds, my 4 friends and I decided to experiment with DXM. It was a decision I have yet to regret. We all decided one night to take some DXM in powder form. One of my friends, had obtained a decent powder supply and, using electronic scales, delved it out into 500mg and 350mg capsules.

We had all eaten an ordinary dinner a few hours before and then proceeded to take either 500mg or 350mg. I myself took a 500mg capsule. I do not really want to go into much detail on the night, let me just say it was a truly new experience and very enjoyable for all 5 of use.

I just thought I would share some general knowledge about DXM garnered from me and my friend's experiences these past few months. These thoughts deal with medium doses of powdered DXM in capsules
These thoughts deal with medium doses of powdered DXM in capsules

Almost everyone I know who has taken DXM powder has felt nauseous to some degree, up to and including vomiting. Taking the DXM a few hours after eating a light meal, while I have to usually wait 1 to 1.5 hours before feeling something, this seems to reduce the nausea. I attempted to take DXM on a completely empty stomach to enhance the effects and the wait time and it lead to 30 minutes of painful dry-heaving.

DXM in these doses will almost always make me want to get up and do something, and walks in quiet, dark places seem like gods gift. DXM is a great close group drug in my opinion, the trip goes soooo much better if I am around friends that I am completely comfortable with. Regardless of whether we go out and do something during the trip, I find that it feels great to just chill in a dark room with some mellow music playing talking about the experience with friends, especially as I begin to come down. And if I don't feel chatty, I just turn the music up a bit and perhaps turn on some music-synched visualizations of some sort, I'm bound to have a good time no matter what.

Pot seems to go Great with DXM. Smoking a bowl of good stuff right when I begin to feel nauseous can greatly reduce the feeling and seems to make the DXM more intense. I do beleive in trying DXM without smoking cannabis, to seperate the effects of each drug before doing them together.

Effects on the Mind/Body:
The first inkling that the DXM is kicking in is a sort of jittery feelings. Some people describe the feeling as being stoned, others as being slightly drunk. Motor control will drop some, and I might start feeling sick to my stomach. The best way to tell when the DXM has really hit is to stand up suddenly. I will feel a definite 'head change' and my senses will begin behaving erratically. My vision will begin to get rather 'framey', like everything is moving in a jerky fashion. It is best to be firmly planted in a chair at this point, because the fun is about to begin. As my body numbs, my senses of sight and sound become much more dominant.
As my body numbs, my senses of sight and sound become much more dominant.
If there is an annoying or loud noise I do not like, I will leave the room just so I will not have to hear it anymore. Everyday things look fascinating and mysterious. I once stared at a bed post for a good 30 minutes for no real reason.

As I peak, I may feel likevI am no longer connected to my body, or that I have control of it. I'm easily confused, but also usually very happy about it. I feel like getting out and doing something (WALKS!!!). After a few good hours of hardcore visuals and maybe some hallucinations, I begin to come down from the most intense phase and get chatty again, and just want to chill and perhaps talk about the experience. I will most likely have trouble sleeping even after coming almost all the way down from the trip. I have only once been able to get to sleep on DXM, and that was well before peak... The dreams I had were by far the craziest, yet also profound dreams I have ever had.

-DXM is a powerful drug, and not everyone enjoys it. Out of the 10 or so people I know well who have tried, only 1 found it completely unpleasant and never wanted to try it again. Another has mild histamine reactions to DXM, resulting in itching and a mild rash, but still enjoyed it. For the first 2-3 hours after dosing, I don't go out in public. Nothing says 'Arrest me for public intox' like jumping out of a car to vomit on the side of the road.

DXM trips can get pretty heavy.

This post is simply some things that have worked for me based on my experiences.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18142
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 1, 2022Views: 721
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DXM (22) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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