Fast-Food Tank Frenzy
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Zargon23. "Fast-Food Tank Frenzy: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp18170)". Dec 21, 2004.

  repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
Back in the day, I used to work at a fast-food resturant that also served ice-cream. My first day working there, I noticed a large, blue cylindrical canister that was undoubtably the nitrous oxide for the whipped cream. Little did I know what would occur in regards to that tank.

After a couple weeks working there, I came back where the tank was and saw a guy holding a straw up to the regulator. Apparently, the regulator has a release-valve with a red switch that opens up a small hole in the side. He taught me how to open the main valve, put a straw up to the hole, and flip the release valve to get a gigantic hit. In fact, I could literally feel it inflate my lungs because of the pressure.

[Erowid Warning: Using pressurized gas to fill the lungs directly could result in serious injury or death if there is a sudden surge of pressure. Other risks from this method include badly frost-burned lips or tongue. Please see the Nitrous Health Vault.]

I only did it a couple of times that day in fear of being caught, but I had an overall good time with it. I have tried whippits before, but getting such large doses straight from the tank was overwhelming. I would go back and take a hit, recover, and go make some burgers in the afterglow. I did this every day I worked for the rest of the week.

Over the course of the next couple weeks, things began to accelerate. A friend of mine started working there, and I eventually showed him the secrets of the tank - and he was instantly hooked!! He just about huffed from the tank the entire night, and whenever he came back front to work, his lips were always blue. Of course, I was taking my hits when I went in the back too, but I think I was more covert about it.

So anyway, word began to leak out because my friend was so careless. It turns out we depleted a 6-mo supply tank in just under a week. Even though my boss probably knew what was going on, he didn't confront me or anything. He just refilled the tank and business went on as usual. This didnt stop me from subsequent huffing, however, as I soon figured out new tricks.

The whipped cream was mixed in a large pressurized canister, which would eventually run out of whipped cream. Guess whats left.... a shitload of excess nitrous oxide gas! There was just no way I could let this precious gas go to waste. Needless to say, I was always the one to volunteer to refill the whipped cream when it ran out. At this point, my huffing got more and more intense. I would hold in a lungfull for as long as I could, then immediately take another hit without breathing any air in-between. This produced very incapacitating head-rushes... almost on the verge of passing out. Other times, I shared it with a few co-workers who were curious and we had a good laugh. All-in-all good times.

Eventually I quit my job and moved on up in the world.. but damn do ever I miss that nitrous tank!

Exp Year: 1997ExpID: 18170
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 21, 2004Views: 10,157
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : Various (28), General (1)

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