Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Four-Eyed Creature
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   distants. "Four-Eyed Creature: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp18182)". Oct 14, 2002.

215 oral Morning Glory (seeds)
After poking around the internet one day, I stumbled upon Morning Glory, and I quickly found out easy it was to obtain Morning Glory seeds. Following this, I spent several days reading just about every trip report available on Morning Glory. In a few days my school was going to have a nice five day weekend, and I had been reading about all kinds of hallucinogenic substances like mushrooms, DMT, Salvia, and so on and I thought that this would be the perfect oppurtunity for myself to experience something completely new and mind blowing.


I visited my local Home Depot in search of morning glory seeds but found nothing. Next I decided to go straight to an actual garden center and try my luck. I was a little worried they might not have flower seeds this late in the season (October), but I found exactly what I was looking for. I bought 6 packs, 1.5g each, and noticed the words 'Untreated' were printed on the back so I was immediately excited about this thinking I wouldn't have to worry about the nausea I had read about in so many reports.


6 pm - I ate dinner.

8:45 pm - Thinking rather superbly of my 'untreated' morning glory seeds, I decided to forgoe all cleansing/washing and extraction processes and eat the seeds straight from the pack. I counted out that I had about 260 seeds (each 1.5g pack ranged from 35 seeds to 50 seeds) and began munching on the little black things and washing them down with Mountain Dew.

9:30 pm - I only had about 45 seeds left and my stomach was beginning to curse me a bit so I took two chewable Peptos.

9:35 pm - Went to bathroom and dry heaved! (untreated DOES NOT MEAN NO NAUSEA) Cool. Exactly like puking but nothing came out. By now my mind was racing with frantic thoughts like 'What did i get myself into??' 'Oh shit, what the hell is going to happen!?! I'm going to die.' My heart was beating rather rapidly and I was panicking. Five minutes later the nausea receded to a comfortable level and I calmed myself down.

10:15 pm - Nausea is 95% gone, (the taste of the seeds remained in my mouth until the next day, but I never vomitted thankfully) and my body feels amazing! The feeling was similar to a really good high without the cloudy confusing thoughts. My whole body feels good and I'm pretty relaxed.

10:30 pm - I notice my lower vision field is strobing like crazy. My pupils are dilated and lights seem intensely bright.

11 pm - The walls are starting to breathe a little bit and my feet and legs feel tingly, but nothing resembling a cramp.

12 am - Hooly shit, this must be the peak. I'm pretty sure I stared at myself in the mirror for a good half an hour watching different features of my face morph around. One particularly interesting thing happened was all of a sudden I had 3 eyes and then I had 4 blinking functioning eyes. I considered the idea that I might be just going crosseyed, but my vision was perfectly focused unlike when I go crosseyed where I can't seem to focus my vision. I layed down on my bed staring at my ceiling fan and I noticed the fan was now part of the ceiling, it had somehow gotten into the ceiling and was still spinning. This was as confusing as it was amazing to look at. My digital clock is providing me with some neat tracers also.

12:30 am - I went outside with my dog so it could eliminate and the sky seemed close and non-infinite, the stars were moving pleasantly back and forth and I just filled my brain with pleasant thoughts of how fun this whole experience was. I thought the experience was nearing its end but i ended up riding the peak for atleast another hour and a half. When I got back to my room my door seemed extremely large and for some reason scared me a bit.

Around this time I had a crazy revelation. I reasoned that nobody is ever born and that everybody exists always. A persons mind creates changes through out life and your surroundings, and other minds tell a person the things they cannot remember. Something to the effect of there are a bunch of brains somewhere and they all are interacting and creating the world we live in even though it doesn't actually exist. I can't remember the exact details of this mind blowing train of thought and now, a week later, I'm not even sure if the above is exactly what i was thinking, but rather something similar to it.

2 am - I flipped on the TV to some infomercial featuring Daisy Fuentes but it was really intense for some reason and I couldn't handle it. It was hurting my brain; I can't quite explain this feeling. I went to the bathroom to take a wiz and as soon as i flipped the light switch on everything was crazy. The tiled walls were filled with various colors, but I was by now extremely tired and was almost wishing this would end so I could get some sleep. I realized I couldn't really control this, which left me a little uneasy, and decided to go lay down and, well, lay there.

Around 3 am - Sleep.

The next morning I woke up with no apparent side effects. However I was filled with questions about my life, where I was in life, and where I was going in life. A few thoughts were unsettling but over all I just relished in the experiences I had been through last night. Now that I've experienced a completely new experience I wonder about people who never try any sort of hallucinogen and what they are missing in life, what they never see and what they'll never experience or know. I'm glad I tried these wonderful Morning Glory seeds. And I warn all that are curious, UNTREATED DOES NOT MEAN NO NAUSEA.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18182
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 14, 2002Views: 29,037
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), Health Problems (27), First Times (2)

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