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Here's My 'Experience'
Citation:   Melody. "Here's My 'Experience': An Experience with Heroin (exp18258)". Oct 17, 2002.

1991 was the year I got introduced to heroin, 1998 was the year that changed my life and I stopped. I went through all the general bullshit that junkies encounter, prostitution, stealing, lying, cheating, ODs, ruining other people's lives. It wasn't until I got arrested and got my first felony that I realized just how far my head was up my ass. I was about to lose my 3-year-old son, I wouldn't bathe for days, sometimes weeks at a time, I could never sleep without (let alone get through the day) fixing, my family just about disowned me, I had seen three people die, one right in front of me, and the worst part of it is that I didn't give a shit about any of it. I've been sober 4 years now, and I've never been so happy not to have to fix to do anything or go anywhere, the needle was like a huge ball and chain strapped to my foot. Believe me, it was not easy, I was sick for almost two weeks, and didn't sleep right for the next two, but, man was it worth it!

The first year of sobriety, I was still on a little shaky ground, but I stuck it out, and surrounded myself with sober people like myself. Slowly, but surely, the obsession got lifted. When it does crop up, I know what to do with it. So, if you have experienced any of the things I've described during your using, or are experiencing them, there is hope, but you have to do the footwork. I get my help through AA, which seems to be the only way for me. Unless you like living the way your living, by all means keep doing what you are doing, chances are you'll be dead or in jail. Every single person I have known who has kept on using heroin is dead now. There is no 'safe' way to use heroin, the whole thing is just an illusion. That has to be one of the funniest jokes I have ever heard. Your best defense not to get AIDS, Hep C, or any other disease from using needles is NOT TO DO IT AT ALL !

Exp Year: 1991ExpID: 18258
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 17, 2002Views: 12,660
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Heroin (27) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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