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Sleepful Fantasies
Citation:   ke6ydo. "Sleepful Fantasies: An Experience with Scopolamine (exp18284)". Oct 24, 2002.

1.0 mg oral Scopolamine
I took about 1mg of scopolamine Hbr. After about 30min my heart began pounding very rapidly. At that point, I was scared. Minutes past by, and hallucinations began to appear especially when I began to nod off in a pleasant state of drowsiness. The drowsiness is different than the way narcotics or opiates produce. It was more of a wake and sleep patterns with auditory and visual hallucinations. The hallucinations were not the kind what LSD, mescaline, or psilocybin does. These were more less intense and not colorful. I began drooling and when my eyes were halfway open I saw this grosteque creature. But when my unconcious state began to arouse it had dissapeared.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18284
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 24, 2002Views: 19,087
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Scopolamine (134) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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