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Coming Away From My Ego
Morning Glory
Citation:   Curi0us G. "Coming Away From My Ego: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp18347)". Aug 3, 2005.

T+ 0:00
150 seeds oral Morning Glory (tea)
  T+ 2:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I'd like to put this report out there so I can say a little about what exactly I think LSD/LSA does to me. First off, LSA/LSD experiences are generally distinctly out of body and ego. That is, I experience a feeling of 'coming away from my ego'… I will be able to look at things, especially other people, objectively rather than through my ego/personality. Picture yourself as a child before you begin layering your ego on…in some ways I go back to this state, where I don't automatically judge people, where people are just 'people', not frat boys, hippies, yuppies, etc.

Personally, I am a curious wanderer. As a child I idolized my hippy parents and the 60's (I still do). That's why I experiment with the substances which I do (shrooms several times, acid a few times, cannabis all the time :), a few others… and Morning Glories most recently…) and why I will continue to explore.

As I said, my most recent drug experience was with Morning Glory seeds. Earlier my friend and I had ordered some HBWR off the internet. We found the cheapest site though, and the seeds we ordered ended up being bunk or extremely weak. We were somewhat disappointed, but I was quick to remember the garden store not but a three minute bike ride from his house…

So, on Saturday afternoon, somewhat groggy from the previous nights multiple-hour bong sessions, I biked to the garden store and went inside. Immediately I noticed the stand with flower seeds on it. My eyes were quickly drawn to some packets of Morning Glory seeds! Unfortunately they were varieties I hadn't heard of as being hallucinogenic. Then, much to my joy and surprise, on the other side of the seed rack I found, right next to each other, many packets of Heavenly Blue and Flying Saucer Morning Glory seeds. (Haha…who named these things?! Tim Leary??) I scooped up six packets of seeds for myself and my friend; four heavenly blue and two flying saucers. The heavenly blue attracted me more for some reason (perhaps because blue is my favorite color). I bought my seeds from the clerk who seemed noticeably nervous (I guess he doesn't want to sell hallucinogenic seeds to minors) and went outside. By the way, the variety was from Burpee Seed co., and the seeds were grown in Holland.

Once back at my friend's house I put all the seeds into a Tupperware container and added water and a small amount of detergent. I had examined the seeds and noticed absolutely no unusual coloring or substances on them, so assumed they were not covered with poison, but wanted to be careful just in case (yesterday I got an e-mail from Burpee customer service telling me that, indeed, they didn't coat their seeds with any poisons). After swishing the seeds around violently in the water, I drained them, and then separated them into two equal piles (about 180 seeds each) I brought out a small coffee grinder and ground them into a (mostly) fine grained substance. I added the mush to water, which turned a sandy yellow/brown color (very light) and my friend and I drank down. The taste was plant-like. It was not bad. We ate the mush at the bottom, then met our friends outside to drive to the woods.

In the car I felt somewhat bad nausea, but it wasn't that bad. I sort of felt like puking for a few minutes but burped several times and felt better. Before going to the woods we stopped in a supermarket so our friends could get some sandwiches. Inside I felt queasy and ill and somewhat detached from myself so I walked outside. Our friends soon joined my soon-to-be tripping friend and I and we drove to the woods.

About an hour had passed and the nausea was gone, but neither my friend nor I were feeling any real effects. We took a long hike and came upon a nice glen where our group proceeded to smoke several bowls of good home grown ganja. I became pleasantly stoned and then turned to smile at my friend… who's eyes were orbs as dilated as any I've ever seen. He was grinning madly. I started laughing at/with him. He laughed back, grinning. I noticed his grin had a somewhat sinister quality, but since my friend is a somewhat sinister character, I only laughed harder.

Suddenly the trip was upon us. I was detached from myself and floated in a joyous medium of nature and motion as I walked through the woods. I was indeed like a child again, exploring gleefully trees and bushes as though they held some deep secret they desperately wanted to tell me. We continued walking and came back across a railroad trellace crossing high above a stream we had crossed before. We walked across it again and the experience was extremely fun. I felt no inclination to slip or fall and pranced merrily across the hundred-foot tall drop.

Soon we were back at the car. This part of the trip is somewhat hazy in my mind. We drove back, my friend and I not tripping too hard but definitely feeling a loss of ego and inhibition as we laughed and talked.

Back at my friend's house, we decided to invite many people over, some whom we knew well and others who we knew second hand. Soon a large group of people had convened at the house for a low-key gathering. I wandered out back to my friend's hot-tub (his house is rather opulent; I myself live in my school's dorms) and climbed in (wearing shorts). The tub was crammed full of about eight people, some I knew sort-of well and some were strangers. However, I immediately felt as though I had known everyone in the tub for seven years and that they were incredibly close friends of mine. I had my arms around two girls I hardly knew; I laughed at everything, and smiled at everyone. I noticed, unfortunately, that everyone in the tub's egos and inhibitions were extremely strong and conflicting. This eventually wore down my good mood, especially since another guy in the tub was sending me bad vibes (his ego was wounded by my presence, which I could strongly see/feel due to my egoless LSA state) so I climbed out, dried off, and went to the nearby beach with some friends.

On the beach we ran around, performing cartwheels and laughing, falling and running. It was quite a bit of fun and I was feeling very happy and close to everyone. I was still perturbed and bothered by everyone's ego. I could see through people and past their facades. This became slightly depressing for awhile because I realized that people's egos are mostly defenses against self-perceived weaknesses and people's naturally inhibitions around each other. I was free of all that and loved everyone and everything.

Walking back to my friend's house alone I was struck by the fact that I understood everything. I can't say how that is, but I did. It was a natural feeling and I understood then that everyone understand everything - the why's, the how's, the questions people always worry about - we understand it all, but normally do not know that we know.

Back at my friend's, I caught a ride up to campus. I made my way to my room and fell quickly asleep. I felt quite pleasant in my bed, but my ego was melding back into my body and I felt somewhat depressed because I have been depressed lately.
In the morning I felt hung-over from weed smoking, as I generally do, but also pleasantly awakened to some more of the nature of humanity. Since then I have been more accepting and kind to people I meet and know. I look forward to my next morning glory or acid trip and will probably take the same dose - three packets of seeds, ground up.

Thanks for reading about my experience, and good luck on your journeys!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18347
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 3, 2005Views: 12,660
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Morning Glory (38) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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