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Second Trial
Citation:   Reville. "Second Trial: An Experience with Kratom (exp18482)". Oct 27, 2002.

10.9 g oral Kratom (tea)
Originally posted to: Shaman Australis Forums, submitted to erowid.

Following my prevoius low dose experiments with Mitragyna speciosa which consisted of just a couple of older mid-sized leaves, I was offered the opportunity to play guinea pig one sunny october afternoon with a 'high dose' Mitragyna decoction.

My previous experiments have provided a short acting but definite buzz characterised by relaxation with mild euphoria. It is not sedative like a tranquiliser but rather a tension reliever.

My experiment consisted of the consumption of 10.9g of nearly dried leaf. This was cut into strips and placed in a teapot to steep. Several slices of lemon were added for flavour and presumably to assist in extraction by converting freebase alakloids to a citrate salt. The pot sat to steep for 20 minutes.

The first pot was in roughly 3 equal cupfuls, with a second lot of boiling water to rextract residual material when that was exhausted.

12:08 pm First 1 and 1/2 cups consumed. Mildly btter taste. Bitter is usually promising. The full pot means the material is diluted in fair amount of water.

12:24 20 minutes is roughly the same timeframe as prevoius experiments though in both cases some effects are felt from about 10 to 15 minutes. Slight loss of visual focus. Lie down on Couch.

12:28 pm The start of definite effects that can be distinguished from any anticipatory excitement or suggestive effects. Feeling quite blissful and relaxed but simultaneously animated. Body relaxation, mental calm with no loss of clarity and no nausea. Interestingly this is relaxing to the nerves but without any analgesic effect, sore parts of body (knee) still sore.

12:32 Pulse 72 beats per minute, well within normal.

12:40 Effects unchanged, Pupils noted as slightly dilated.

12:45 I drink another 1/2 cup of Tea. Darker in colour now. This tea gives a really relaxed feeling but without feeling tired. When not doing anything feeling very comfortable and still but when something happens able to jump up and continue to perform activities well. Concentration wanders when not performing tasks. Given the compounds structural relation to Opiates, LSD and psilocybin i was hoping for a true hallucinogen with definite increase in cognitive performance, instead it is the opposite, it calms and quietens the mind - except when needed.

12:50 Distinct body stone to this. Decant remaining liquor into cups and pour water for second extraction. Starting to feel a crossover between animated and clear relaxed mood and that of mild intoxication - like one too many beers.

1:05 Drink another 1/2 a cup. Feeling drowsy but not tired still. Very relaxed and unmotivated., more specifically less likely that desire for an object, in this case a cigarette, will follow through with the motivation to actually begin the task voluntarily. In contrast a short phonecall was simply necessary and was no trouble to perform.

1:10 Drink last of first extraction.

1:15 Poured 1 of 3 new cups in the 2nd extraction. Take a small sip and then fairly suddenly overcome and slip into a twighlight dreamy stage, on the couch. I notice its a beautiful day and the sounds seem to travel further.Very pleasant, begin to fall into a light sleep. Deeply relaxing to the muscles and mind. Dreams shifting and full of people, objects and places - seems no particular reason, just flowing dreams.

2:05 Phone rings and wakes me from sleep. Feeling much more alert and not at all groggy. Tension in shoulders seems to have dissipated

2:09 Drink rest of tea

2:30 Back to normal.

I think we may have come across a substitute for the 'after work' beer or cannabis. A little to relax, and a little more to go to 'Nod off'. The best thing about this is that there is a mild euphoria that highlights a deep feeling of relaxation that is not dependent on being sedated.

I was a little disappointed about the lack of analgesic effect after similar experiments with Corydalis turtschaninovii Tetrahydropalmatine and others) which gives a similar but slightly less pleasant feeling in equal doses along with relief of muscle or bone pain (sprains etc.)

I am primarily a substituted tryptamine user, and my only experiences with Opiates have been from Morphine once in Hospital, Corydalis tubers for joint pain, and codeine for headaches. I can easily say that this is the most pleasant of all of those. With the benefit of being non-addictive. I definitely felt a changeover that took away the energy and replaced it with a more langurous and dreamy tone.

There is no comedown at this level, and although i found it harder to get started again later in the day, i think this is due to relaxation not persistent effects.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 18482
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 27, 2002Views: 26,337
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