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No Thanks
Citation:   Plu$h. "No Thanks: An Experience with Cocaine (exp18577)". Jul 27, 2007.

2 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
I have used meth on various occasions over the past six months. For me, it sharpens the mind and sustains the body when nothing else will do. I rarely use it in a recreational sense, reserving it for paper deadlines and chronic exhaustion. I had long wondered if positive cognitive effects could also be gleaned from cocaine.

Recently, I received an offer I couldn’t refuse. Days went by before I had the opportunity to actually try the cocaine I longed to sample. I prefer to err on the side of caution, fulfilling all necessary tasks and obligations before dabbling with any substance. Currently, I take no medications or supplements outside of oral birth control.

By the time I reached my friend's apartment, spirits were high. It was 10:45 when she broke out the mirror and razor blade. After producing a few lines, she did a gummer and invited me to do the same. Within 10 seconds, my lower jaw was numb and my tongue felt clumsy inside my mouth.

At 11:00, I insufflated a line of coke measuring approximately 1.25 inches in length. I was struck by its odor, so different from that of meth or even pharmaceutical amphetamines. My nasal passages felt as though they were crammed with cotton, a most unwelcome sensation.

By 11:10, I felt an odd, disjointed energy creep through me. It lacked the positive push and directed ambition that I typically experience with meth. I became more talkative and memories rose into consciousness. I felt stronger, sharper and more alert than before.

When the feeling subsided at midnight, I thanked my friend and bid her goodnight. I walked briskly to my car and headed back to my apartment. En route, I felt more edgy and impatient than usual. I am normally a mellow, patient individual and found this frightening. The rising hostility toward drunken pedestrians was more 'primal' than anything I experienced with meth.

At 12:20, I retreated to my room. I had no desire to speak with my roommate, as much as I enjoy her company. I normally chat for a bit, grab a beer and play with the pets before retiring, yet found myself too irritated to do any of this. It was a nonspecific, infantile aggravation that disturbed me.

I entertained myself with Instant Messenger for a bit before heading to bed. My body was exhausted, but my mind was still reeling. At the same time, my body felt 'tight', as though I were in attack mode. At around 1:30, I finally fell asleep.

At 8:00 the next morning, I was loath to wake up for class. My head felt heavy, as though I had a cold. My jaw was still tense and sore, as were most of my muscles. My head continued to pound with a raging tension headache throughout the day.

At 2:00, I was still a nasty little ball of tension. Little annoyances and inconsiderate strangers were greatly magnified in significance. I entertained aggressive notions in my head, and imagined myself perpetrating them against the offenders.

I felt psychologically shell-shocked and physically exhausted. Yet I learned several things from this experience: 1. For me, coke is not a cognitive enhancer. 2. Cocaine 'hangovers' are unpleasant.

In simple terms, cocaine is averse to my station in life. I find that it is prohibitively expensive and inefficient in comparison to meth. I have no desire to experiment with it further.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18577
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 27, 2007Views: 7,798
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Cocaine (13) : Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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