The Energizer Psychedelic
Citation:   Cope Head. "The Energizer Psychedelic: An Experience with DOB (exp1861)". Jun 15, 2000.

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2.75 mg oral DOB (blotter / tab)
Early one weekend afternoon I decided to try something new. I had recently been gifted with a sample of a quite rare substance known as DOB. From what I had read and been told it was similar to 2CB both chemically and in action, but fantastically long lasting. Whereas 2CB generally lasts 3.5 to 5 hours, this was supposed to last an almost unbelievable 18-30 hours. That is a daunting amount of time to spend tripping, but considering that 2CB is one of my favorite entheogens, and one of the more manageable ones as well, it seemed like it might be workable. I hoped it might have some of the peaceful and insightful qualities that 2CB has exhibited in the past. Even so, it was more with nervousness than any great anticipation that I prepared for my journey.

The material had come to me on a piece of thick paper. I cut the rather large piece into two sections for easier chewing. The whole piece was supposed to contain 2.75 mg, on the higher end of the dosage range. Caution might have indicated trying a smaller dose, but it was what I had and it seemed unlikely that I would come across more anytime soon. Besides which, I tend to like tripping in the higher dose ranges anyway. I chewed each section of the paper for a good 15 minutes. It disintegrated into mush fairly quickly as I did so. There was a taste like old rubber, but I can't say if it was from the paper, the DOB or some combination of the two.

One hour after I started chewing the paper I had my first alert. It wasn't anything definable, just a definite awareness of alteration. The amphetamine nature of the drug was apparent, as there was a definite stimulation. The effects continued over the next hour and by a short time after the two-hour point I was definitely starting to trip. This whole period of time was marked by a restless uneasiness. I seemed sort of 'twitchy' and out of sorts. The trip was slow to develop and I was impatient for it to really get rolling. By 2.5 hours I was seeing trails coming off everything and colors were starting to bleed off the edges of things.

From my research I knew that the peak came between 3 and 4 hours into it. As I said, the first two hours were quite restless. I had difficulty getting comfortable and I was somewhat ill at ease. At around three hours it smoothed out into a more stable feeling. There was still a definite push there, but it didn't have the ragged edges and discomfort characteristic of the earlier come on phase. I moved my hands around and saw some of the most amazing trails I have ever seen. Visually it was quite impressive. Since I had so much energy I decided to go for a walk.

As I left the house I glanced at my pager, which receives news feeds. There was a blurb about one of the recent spate of school shootings on it. This seemed to affect me immensely. The DOB made me very emotionally open, removing many of my usual defenses that serve to keep me separated from the misery of the world. I was almost overwhelmed by grief thinking about all those sick kids killing their classmates, parents and teachers. It didn't make any sense to me (of course it still doesn't) and I just couldn't seem to shake the immense sorrow it impelled in me. I began thinking about how inhuman we can be to one another and things along those lines. It felt as if the sadness of the world had settled on my shoulders. I suspect for someone less emotionally stable, such despair could have been very unpleasant. For myself, I recognized that the source of my melancholy lay outside of me, and was in part brought on by the drug. Even so, it made me intensely emotional.

As I walked clouds were gathering and I welcomed the rain, hoping it might wash away some of my sadness. Simply walking felt pretty good and I was soon feeling better emotionally, though still on the 'down' side. The DOB state was in full force but I felt more or less in control of all my faculties. I thought about stopping to buy some juice, but decided navigating a convenience store, though not impossible, would be neither enjoyable nor as easy as it should be. About a mile from home I decided to head back.

As I turned to go back it started raining. As I had hoped, the rain was very refreshing, both physically and emotionally. I started to feel all my sadness release and before I knew it I felt great. I was admiring the landscaping of many of the homes near my house as I walked. Two large, stately trees caught my attention and I stopped in the rain to admire them. I reached out and touched them both, giving them praise for their awesome presence. I was acutely aware of their age and the fact that their experience of being, whatever it might be, was worlds apart from my own.

When I got back home I decided to sit under a tree in my yard and enjoy the rain. I sat there for quite a while, just enjoying the day and thinking, watching the rain fall and feeling it on my face. My roommate came out and noticed me and asked if I wanted to split a pizza. I was hungry so I told him that sounded like a good idea. While waiting for it to arrive I continued to sit under the tree, alternating between eyes closed and eyes open. Visually it was fairly impressive. There was a fair amount of color, in deep, rich pastels rather than LSD like neon tones.

When the pizza arrived I went inside to eat. My appetite was seemingly unaffected and I found the pizza quite tasty. Eating it did ground me, but not in an unpleasant way. After we ate we went and sat out back for a while to relax and chat. Conversation was easy but I felt a bit off center, almost apart from myself.

After a while another friend of ours came by. He joined our conversation and invited me to come to a party he and my roommate were going to. Considering I had hours to go on my trip, I decided to go along. We jumped on bikes and headed off.

The place we were headed was only blocks away, but the bike ride was strange. My balance was a bit off and I seemed kind of zoned out, not paying 100% of my attention to the ride. When we arrived I was introduced to several people and shown the keg, which I declined to make use of (at that time I did not drink beer). I sat down and listened to the conversation around me, but I felt a step removed from everything. It was like the DOB had put me on a slightly different plane of reality than everything else. Instead of feeling like the participant in my environment, I felt like an observer to a scene. I have a tendency to slip into that mode anyway if I am not careful, and DOB seemed to encourage and enhance it. One of the guys sitting on the porch loaded up a pipe with cannabis and passed it around. I took a few hits, both to be sociable and to see what it would do to my state of mind. This was about 6 hours after I started so I had a pretty good idea of the DOB experience. The pot affected me not at all, as far as I could tell. It didn't even put a dent in my trip, which was still rolling merrily along, undiminished.

As the evening progressed more and more people arrived, none of whom I knew. I stayed pretty quiet most of the evening, making small talk when it seemed appropriate, but mostly just watching everyone do party things. I ate some food and drank a lot of water and just quietly tripped in the background. The trip seemed to come and go in waves, like 2CB does. For a while everything would seem more or less normal, then I'd notice richly colored patterns pulsing in the air in front of me, or on the shirt of a girl sitting in front of me. I was amazed at the staying power, even though I knew to expect it. Knowing something like that intellectually and actually experiencing it are worlds apart.

I ran into several people I knew peripherally. In making conversation I found that DOB interfered slightly, if anything. I was able to speak with them, and be 'inconspicuous'. I have heard that DOB has empathogenic qualities. My experience bore that out. It did not impel me to speak or make conversation easier like MDMA has, however. I wonder if they might mix well, but DOB is already 'pushy' enough that the extra stimulation of ecstasy might be uncomfortable or even health threatening. I would definitely try the mixture with a lesser dose of each, if I were to try it at all.

After 3 or 4 hours I decided to head home. I had had enough party and wanted to relax and enjoy whatever was left of my trip. I got home around 11:30 and went out back to sit and enjoy the night, which was a lovely early summer night. I put on some music and found it pleasantly enhanced. Of the entheogens I have tried, only LSD is better for music I think. In the darkness my visuals were present with a vengeance. Patterns were strobing in and out of existence. The colors were deep, rich pastel tones like earlier. The patterns themselves seemed to be made largely out of shapes that were reminiscent of the suits of cards, especially clubs and spades, as well as various sized dots and swirls.

I listened to a couple of albums before heading inside to play even more music. For the next three hours I was still tripping, visuals and all. At about 2:30 or 3:00 a.m. (T+13 hours) I finally entered the tail off stage. My visuals subsided except for a faint psychedelic glimmer to everything and I felt, while not normal, that I was definitely coming down. I took a shower and smoked a substantial amount of cannabis to help relax me and lay down to sleep.

Or not. I lay in bed for the next four hours, tossing and turning and waiting to sleep. It just wasn't happening. Near dawn I began to feel a strange and unusual sensation in my chest. It felt like some sort of strange pressure, almost as if something were trying to get out. By this time I was beginning to despair of sleep, wondering if I would come down. As I said, the 'trip' was over, but I still felt a fair amount of stimulation, a sort of push exemplified by the sensation of pressure in my chest. Finally I gave in to it, got up and went out for a bike ride.

Once I was up and moving around, the pressure subsided and I didn't feel any discomfort. I rode to the store and bought some ice cream and grapefruit juice. On the way back I stopped by the house where I had attended the party the night before and talked to the residents who were still up, barbecuing ribs for breakfast, for a few minutes before heading back home. I sat outside in the early morning sun eating ice cream and thinking. I didn't feel tired at all.

I called up some friends around 10:00 a.m. to hang out. I had a good time hanging out with them, but it was not substantially different or particularly enhanced, though I was definitely altered (+1.2 Shulgin). We spent the day together not doing much. I smoked a lot of pot, most of which had little effect on me. It wasn't until early afternoon that I actually got high from any of the weed I smoked. I went home around 4 p.m. and was finally able to sleep around 5:30. I tripped for a solid 13 hours and had another 15-17 hours of comedown, where I still felt the drug but wasn't precisely tripping. This is the energizer psychedelic. It just keeps going, and going, and going…

The trip overall was pleasant, but the length of it made it hard to focus on the experience. By the end of it I was very glad to be down. If I get another chance to try it, I might do so but it would have to be in different circumstances (a rave perhaps). I think it might be good for a couple in a long term relationship to spend a long weekend with DOB and each other, since much like 2CB it seemed to have sensual/sexual enhancement qualities. It also seemed to have some empathogenic qualities, even more so than 2CB. However, while 2CB seems to 'tune me in' to where I am, DOB seemed to put me a step back, give more perspective. Also, DOB seemed a little less 'natural', more forced and definitely pushier. An interesting drug, but it lasts far too long for my tastes overall.

Exp Year: ExpID: 1861
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 15, 2000Views: 47,219
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DOB (19) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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