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Lucky to Be Alive...
Morning Glory
Citation:   Royaldaughter. "Lucky to Be Alive...: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp18617)". Erowid.org. Jun 25, 2021. erowid.org/exp/18617

25 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
This was the worst experience of my life. I had read a recipe out of a Shaman book and decided to give it a shot.

Following the recipe's directions I started by diluting 50 grams of powdered MG seed in 8 oz of water. Then I put this soup-like mixture in a glass jar, setting it in the fridge to let soak for three days, AKA 'the cold water extraction method'. Before I drank it I used a fine strainer to separate the mush from the liquid. Then I pinched my nose, tilt my head back and slammed the crap. The nasty goop tasted like old coffee grinds with a nutty after taste. Once it was down, there was no way my stomach was going to hold it much longer.

About an hour passed, surprisingly I have not vomited yet but I'm feeling sick to my stomach and I feel a feverish chill hit every ten minutes. I start to see a little tracers and my pupils are slightly dilated.

It happened. I puked, and I puked and then I puked some more. It would not stop. For the next four to five hours I vomited at least six times. My stomach felt like someone kicked it in. Lets just say I was purged all the way though my digestive system and the only way to get the nasty aftertaste out of my mouth and to rid my body of this crap was to drink at least 2 gallons of water!

'I've been poisoned,' I told my friend who held me through the night. The next morning I woke up feeling like I was run over by a truck.

The mild trip was not even worth the effort, expence, and sickness.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18617
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2021Views: 578
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Morning Glory (38) : Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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