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Led Zeppelin High
by Zep
Citation:   Zep. "Led Zeppelin High: An Experience with Hydrocodone (exp18772)". Erowid.org. Feb 8, 2003. erowid.org/exp/18772

20 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
I recently got 30 vicodin pills from my doctor for a cracked growth plate.

Not having ever heard of this drug searched the internet and discovered the power which lie in my hands and so the experience began.

T+ 00:00
I ingested 4 X 5/500mg pills of vicodin and sat and waited for the effects to come on.

T+ 00:15
no major effects yet, feeling a little warm

T+ 00:30
feeling quite comforable, warm and numb not a care in the world. jamming on the guitar is quite nice music flowing like water.

T+ 00:55
just kind of....here feeling tingly and very numb thinking of seeing what its like to ride a bike like this. hmm (running to bike)

T+ 01:45
saw some friends while out got some eats at 7-11 and all was good

T+ 02:15
Almost all the effects are now gone except a feeling that the best comfortable feeling ever, Im going to sleep well tonight.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18772
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 8, 2003Views: 35,990
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Hydrocodone (111) : Various (28), First Times (2)

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