Are You a Vampire? No, I've Just Met God
by P.J.
Citation:   P.J.. "Are You a Vampire? No, I've Just Met God: An Experience with DXM (exp1878)". Jun 16, 2000.

354 mg oral DXM (liquid)
Goal of trip:
To gather insight into my current state of affairs. In retrospect, I would have been better served calling the Psychic Friends Network.

General Mood/Ambiance:
It was 1 am. I was on my way to bed; I had been researching DXM on the web, and figured, what the heck. Previously I had not been in the best possible mind set for the last two weeks. The love of my life had left me saying that I was too intense for her, and she didn t want to be consumed. It was also about a month off from the anniversary of my father's death, and a mess of other angry-make events. I admit to being an adrenaline junkie, (ex NASCAR driver); but my most recent of two trips, gave me pause to re-examine my lifestyle. I had tripped a week before, on the same stuff, with a little less quantity, fairly uneventful, and actually pretty dull. The second time I had Massive Attacks newest on the juke box, and it was a cold and windy night. Not a cloud in the sky when I walked the dog around 10pm. I had left one window open to circulate fresh air, and so I could hear the outside world, a lucid dreaming trick I had learned at the NIH.

24 years old, 180lb, I have a rather exotic neurological disorder: Friedriech s Ataxia, (think Steven Hawking), and have a 160 iq, scored perfect on the language part of the SAT, (piss poor on the math, but nobody's perfect). I had never even smoked marijuana before, and was a virgin extreme to altered states. I had just finished some Sam Adams, and was already a little woozy as I toddled off to bed.

The Trip:
At 1 am, I chugged a bottle of Robitussin Maximum Strength, Cough and Cold, (354mg dosage, not a lot I know, [5ml per dose / 118ml in the bottle x15mg per dose]); I did not gag at all. I climbed into bed, turned off the lights, and waited. Within 30-45 minutes I was becoming nauseous, but having had to throw back some truly disgusting substances for my neurology, I knew could keep it down. About 15 minutes later the sickness passed, and I, feeling sort of drunk opened my eyes, to look for visual hallucinations. No such luck, so I closed my eyes, and rolled over thinking, screw this, just go to sleep . I could feel my thighs tense and relax, like a puppy in rem. I could hear the leaves rustling outside. Every car that went by outside, I felt like I was the car for a split second...Then I opened my eyes again, and found the ceiling, white, was shifting like it was liquid. This was the coolest thing I had ever seen. Big sigh. I found myself thinking about my girlfriend; I think I may have had an out-of-body experience, because I was suddenly in her bedroom in NC, while I knew My body was in NY. I was sort of swept along by my thoughts, and found myself crying over her as she slept. I kissed her on the neck, and was gone. Back to my room, I opened my eyes again, and felt a presence. It wasn t an elf, or an alien, or anything which I could make out clearly enough to identify. The shadows on the ceiling sort of came together to form a void mouth type thing. It saw that I had been crying and thought/asked if there was anything to be done. Before I thought/said anything else, It thought/said she'll be back, she misses you too . Once again I cried. It then started to rain outside, right on cue, and I knew then what/who I had been conversing with. I didn't fear it, but I started thinking, hey this is pretty cool, getting to meet god on your second trip. I then sort of got up, and robo-walked, (very, very odd) into the bathroom for the most wonderful piss of my life. The other odd thing about my jaunt to the can was that I didn't wake up the puppy. I felt such empathy for her, as she slept; I then had a flash, and I was the dog. So bizarre, so basic, so hungry, (the vet said that she was overweight, so I was cutting back on her food). I got her a biscuit, and laid it at the tip of her nose, and went back to bed. Crawling back to bed, this was odd, but I could swear that I was levitating, and just sort of slid onto the mattress. I then stayed awake until the sun came up, coming down; I had peaked at about 2:30-3:30am, and was feeling unusually beat. I fell asleep and woke refreshed and only had a mild hangover at about 1pm. I massaged my thighs in a hot bath to lessen the stiffness, and sit here in my bathrobe, writing this.

I have also in reading the stories, faqs, and information on the web, have encountered a number of strange real-world phenomena with regards to my two trips. The first is the dimming of street lights in my presence. I can shut off all the lamps on Broadway, one after the next, within a 20-30 foot radius. As I pass by, the last one flicks back to life. The other thing worthy of note is that I think I shut off the coffee bean roaster, at my favorite local coffee house, until they took my order, and then blammo, back on. Really quite bizarre; the other thing that gave me pause to re-examine was after the first trip, I was sitting at a red light, but the green wouldn't turn on! From red to nothing...A sign to slow down my life now, before it s too late. One which I am heeding with great care. I don t think that this is something which I could control, but am having fun, with my thought clapper, as I walk downtown after dark and amaze the odd pedestrian with my new found power. A group of teens asked me if I was a vampire; to which I replied

' No, I ve just met god. '

The only recommendation I would have for people interested in DXM, is to of course take it slowly, and to be certain that they read and comprehend all of the warnings and contra-indications before they proceed. I am so grateful to the people who have gone before and left descriptions of their experiences, I felt it only right to leave my own for the next generation of pyschonauts. Good-Luck.

P.S. I ll let you know if God was right about my fiancee.

Exp Year: ExpID: 1878
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 16, 2000Views: 155,930
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