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Sitting on the Dock with New Friends
MDMA & Cannabis
Citation:   wille. "Sitting on the Dock with New Friends: An Experience with MDMA & Cannabis (exp18784)". Nov 10, 2002.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:30 4 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
i picked up a couple of pills early in the night, and then made some plans to hangout with a few friends at a friends house. i took one pill at about 9:30 at night, and went over to my friend's. we were hanging out on his deck, some people were drinking beer, but i am not a fan of alcohol, so i did not partake. At about 10 i decided i would smoke a little bit of the kind bud. i only had about a half a bowl left, and so i cashed it out, getting about 4 good hits off of it. i am a very experienced pot smoker, but this was my first time trying E. Normally i prefer to try new substances alone, to experience their full effect, but i figured that it would take about an hour for the E to start, and a few hits of bud couldnt hurt. i am not sure if the pot brought on the effects of the E or what but, i started to feel very good. sort of like a pleasant contentness. about an hour and a half later the effects real started to get going. i felt very connected to these people i had only hung out wiht a few times. everything just seemed to fit, and i still felt like i was coherent, and part of whats going on.

i think it is important to mention that those around me did not know that i had taken the E except for one friend, who i told in case i had a bad reaction or something went wrong. i would always suggest doing this, just in case. we were hanging out by the dock, listening to the radio, and just talking, a real relaxed atmosphere. i didnt experience much of a weird connection or any real mind bending, like stronger psychedelics, i just felt happy, more glad than ever to be where i was. i would describe it as the first real joy of doing something i have ever experienced. another friend came over to join us, and she gave me a hug, which really made me blow up, it was definately an awesome feeling, but i didnt feel that it was very sexual, just felt good to touch. i guess the effects started to trail off about 12 or 12:30. for the rest of the night i just felt happy.

as everyone left i started to feel really connected to being there, like i didnt want the experience to end. I would definately describe it as a very wonderful experience. i had been considering trying E for some time, but was unsure because of all of the associations it has( rave scene, brain damage, etc....)i am very glad that i tried it, and i will probably experiment with it again. i feel that E has gotten a bad rap, and i think that it really does have a safe recreational use. i can only hope by writing this, that more people who are considering trying E will do so in a more relaxed atmosphere than a club. ecstasy definetly has uses in self exploration,i feel i have come out of the experience with a new found respect for all people, and for myself. i guess what i am getting at, is if you want a relatively safe (physically and mentally) 'trip' to explore i would suggest giving E a try in the right set and setting. i hope this helps, as much as experiences i have read on erowid have helped me. thanks.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18784
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2002Views: 5,000
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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