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Like Nintendo-MTV
H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis
Citation:   ChrisOfTheDark. "Like Nintendo-MTV: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis (exp18806)". Aug 29, 2007.

T+ 0:00
5 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (ground / crushed)
  T+ 2:50 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
The other evening I took HBWR for the first time. I have taken MGs three times before, but only in low doses and never had an experience like this. The best experience with MGs was slight visual distortion. Aside from that, I have taken MDMA twice (enjoyed it immensely both times) and smoked weed lots in the last 2 years (every day for a year, although I'm smokin' less now). I decided to take HBWR as I am interested in psycadelic drugs, both as a novel experience and to understand myself and others better - enlightenment and wisdom.

I took them at home, with my g/f as a sitter, on a weekday evening. I was feeling happy, relaxed, and contented with life. At 5pm I crushed 5 seeds with pliers, after first removing the fuzzy coating. I put these on bread and ate it. At 6pm, I sat down and attempted to eat. No alteration of consciousness. A feeling of nausea had been building for the last hour. I had a few bites and found I could not eat due to feeling nausea. It did not feel too bad, I just felt full, altough I wasn't. I had had a portion of chips for lunch, and no food since then.

By seven o'clock the nausea was reaching it's peak. I never had to go to the bathroom, but if I'd have tried I could've vomited. I do not like being sick, and avoid it if I can. I went and sat in the bedroom by myself. Start feeling an altered consciousness coming on. Pupils start to get big. At 7.50 I have a gravity bong. I do this with the intent of bringing on the effects, and subsiding the nausea. Within ten minutes both effects have been acheaved. I felt profoundly altered, but I couldn't decribe how. The only thing I have to compare it to is MDMA, to which it felt similar, but with no euphoria and no energy rush. I feel happy 'cos I already felt happy.

I listen to some music - Aereogramme, Scottish indie rock. It sounds fantastic. I notice a slight increase in the vividness of colours. I listen to Boards Of Canada (warp-electronica). Sounds incredible! The artwork looks amazing too. I speak to my girlfriend, and tell her I feel great. We kiss, and I am surprised and delighted that I get an amazing vision with my eyes closed. While kissing her, first I see a still image of us, in two tones of grey, as if it was embossed in stone. Then it starts moving for a few seconds, and I am watching me and my g/f kiss from a 3rd person perspective! The wierdness of it makes me open my eyes. Then, when she stroked my arm, I see vivid blue elecricity, a moving zigzag line, 6-8 inches long, travel down her arm into my body. I interpret this as love.

G/f leaves to watch TV in the other room. I lay on the bed and close my eyes, and I can see amazing CEV's. I wrote some notes at this point, and I described it as 'like Nintendo-MTV'. I could see lots of little Yoshis dancing to the music! After five minutes of lying like this, I notice I can feel my breath on my chin. It feels like cold water is running across my chin when I breath out. I could still feel it when I started writing it down. My pupils are absolutely huge, approx 1mm of iris is visible.

After this the experience becomes more profound. This is the first time I have tripped like this. I close my eyes and listen to the music, and I see myself wake up in different places. The only way I can describe this is dreaming, but while being awake. Very different from daydreams. I can hear and see, but I can also feel things like the temperature etc. They only last for a few seconds at a time, and then I force myself to wake up, and I don't want to sleep or get stuck in an alternative dimension. I think I must be having a fear of ego-loss, so I let go of my fears, but I still can only remain in these places for very short times, long enough to only have a quick glimpse. The places I can remember best were on top of a mountain (very cold, white snow, beautiful blue sky) and being in some kind of tunnel. The tunnel is brown, with tentacles growing from the walls, and round doors lining it. It sounds a bit scary, but wasn't in the slightest.

Next, I open my eyes. Some slight visual distortions when I look at things, extremely vivid colours. When I look at the ceiling, I can see the posters on our wall in the periphery of my vision. We have the Kandinsky poster with 12 coloured circles that look like sweets. The colours start chnging very rapidly, and it looks like a light show - very inpressive! At the same time I can see the poster we have of a flower. The top of the flower grows toes and they start wiggling! This is very amusing! I see images from the past too, memories come back to me with ease. I also feel an intense love for my girlfriend.

I go into the lounge to speak to my g/f. By now it is nearly ten. The lounge is boring, TV is very disinteresting, even though it was a documentary about a subject I would normally enjoy. I warm up the food I couldn't eat earlier, but although I find it deliciious and am experiencing no nausea, I find it difficult to eat as I still feel full. Eat a spoonful of Ben & Jerry's icecream, which is very nice indeed, but that was all we had. I would've liked more of that. I have a very sweet tooth!

I go to bed with g/f as I become extremely tired. However I find it dificult to sleep, and I have to go for a wee 3 times in the next two hours. When I go upstairs, in the bathroom I notice that if I stare at the walls they start distorting - slowly moving/ melting. This is funny! The next day I feel fine, a bit spaced when I first get up, but later on no different from how I usually feel, maybe just a bit tired. No trouble going about my day to day life.

My experience was great fun, I enjoyed the visual fun and games, and felt very happy. My experience felt at times very profound, and I think I learnt things about myself I had not fully realised before. I am glad I did it. I plan to repeat this experiment after a suitable time has passed, at least one month.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18806
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 29, 2007Views: 5,498
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