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Beyond the Beyond
Citation:   GordianKnotter. "Beyond the Beyond: An Experience with 4-Acetoxy-DiPT (exp18856)". Oct 12, 2003.

T+ 0:00
18 mg oral 4-AcO-DiPT
  T+ 2:00 18 mg oral 4-AcO-DiPT
  T+ 3:30 36 mg oral 4-AcO-DiPT
There is a time and a place for everything ... having possibly the worst month of your life and being in a terribly state of mind is not the time to be doing extremely titanic amounts of drugs. Its childish and irresponsible, pure and simple, but it was what I was desiring as a method of release and escape. After a mishap the night before where I had asked my chemist friend for a boost to get to my desired state of oblivion and had gotten dosed with 250mg of MDEA instead (Not even close to oblivion, just right off the road to hell); I had a strong desire to fight the residual effects of the E and try again with something different.

At the University we attend, there is a campus party called Carnival where all the alumni, students and staff relax from the stresses of our overworked lives. My partner in crime (he's also my best friend) and I had procurred in excess of 4 grams of 4-Acetoxy-DiPT from a old friend and after a 3-month period of value add reselling and personal enjoyment (18mg to 36mg doses), we were left only with about 180mg for the weekend. We intended to split it between ourselves, our visiting chemist and the female he was staying with for the last night of the event.

(T+0.0) After an hour long discussion upon the recent horrors of my life and the personal quest for a temporary oblivion with my best friend, we decided to go ahead with our previous plan of dosing and heading out to a party. At the time I was on about 150mg of Wellbutrin (bupropion HCl) to combat the depression I was feeling from rolling the previous night and 40mg of Adderall (amphetamine salts) to get some work done during the day. Both medications were coming to an end this late in the evening, and because we had not noticed any adverse effects of combining 4-Acetoxy-DiPT with anything but horribly cut cocaine I felt it was safe to proceed. (For those in the know, we would recommend not mixing any unknown purity CNS stimulant with 4-Aces). I popped a 18mg capsule to start with while he downed a 36mg and proceeded to walk over to the house party.

(T+1.0) After filling up my cup with a homemade Everclear fruit punch that was at the party, I sat back down just as my friend came up from the basement where the tables were spinning. We both started to grin like fools when we saw each other. Lights got brighter and sharper and we were filled with a sense of giddiness and well-being. It was wierd but we knew exactly what was occuring to each other and really didn't need to speak to communicate. 4-Aces has always been a rather crap shoot when it comes to intensity and visuals for us. We refer to it as the Wack-A-Mole drug because every seperate time we dose its effects run up and down the spectrum of other chemicals we have taken. This time it seemed to be massively visual and auditory hallucingen for both of us that kept spiking in intensity with each passing minute.

(T+1.5) The noise of the overflowing party was getting to be a bit too much for both of us and we decided to wait on the porch of the house next door. It was conviently the same house that my chemist friend was staying at, but he and the woman he was with weren't home. Various friends we hadn't seen since they graduated came over, sat and talked with us while we waited; we were always able to carry on normal conversations while on 4-Aces, only occasionally going off on tripping tangents while trying to describe the effects to those around us.

(T+2.0) As with most situations where you put in excess of 200 people into a house that could only hold 50 in a tight squeeze, the police came to break it up. Right before they had arrived, my partner in crime and I had decided to not wait for our friends to come home and that it was their loss for not meeting up with us. He took an additional 36mg capsule while I did another 18mg (Despite a high tolerance for everything else, tryptamines just seem to be my weakspot when it comes to dosage levels). As soon as we had swallowed, a 6th sense came over us at the same time and we knew we had to go someplace else. We really were syncing up with our thoughts and ability to read the situation as well as each other. As soon as we walked down the street and turned the corner, we saw the black and whites pulling up with their lights flashing at the house party. We called some friends inside the party and gave them warnings about the police, then sat back and stared at the car lights. It was almost a constant 'Ouuu pretty' reaction to every light stimulus before we decided to catch a ride back to my friend's house.

(T+3.5) What have we gotten ourselves into ... the walls can't stay where they are supposed to be and we are beyond the ability to deal with his housemates. They had taken a quarter of shrooms each and were running around like little kids. We headed to the refuge of his room in the attic to chill, listen to some good electronica and bond. The blue lights of the room give a sense of calm to everything while I prepare the hookah to smoke some shesha. Overall everything is in a state of tranquility while visuals flood over us. At that moment, I was so detached from reality I had no clue as to what was real and what wasn't. No matter what hallucinations occured to either one of us, we just KNEW what the other was going through. The empathy and unspoken trust between us was incredible.

Smiling after having watched a universe go through its birth, life and death in the sparks of the coal for the hookah, I turned to my friend and said 'Lets push the envelope.' We had two 36mg capsules left that we split.

(T+?.?) Having trouble understanding the universe I exist in. My friend has been attempting to communicate to me through nonverbal methods that he can't communicate. The visuals are so intense that when my ex-girlfriend came over and started to dance to Deep Dish she looked like she was Vishnu with 8 arms all waving glowsticks. I keep flickering back and forth between so many realities and universes that its hard to maintain any sense of ego. I'm born, I'm dead, I'm one with everything and with nihil. My friend is just under his covers in his bed shaking with a grin one couldn't remove with a jackhammer. My friend and I are one and the same. There is no way to describe the completeness I feel.

(T+?.?) I have no sense of belonging or existance. I didn't just reach my goal of oblivion and distraction, I was oblviion.

(T+16.0) I felt like I was watching a play through someone else's eyes. There is no real reality while I come down. I'm not aware of my body and feel extremely detached. Trying to sleep and can't.

I had reached my goal of oblivion, but still had to deal with multiple issues when I came down. All in all, it was an experience that I will never top, nor have a desire to. This trip has provided me with everything I ever expected when I started to use drugs, and I have no where else to go. With this experience, I am done.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18856
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 12, 2003Views: 21,798
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4-AcO-DiPT (55) : Various (28), Glowing Experiences (4)

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