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A Trip Into the Unknown
Citation:   Father Of Secrets. "A Trip Into the Unknown: An Experience with 2C-B (exp18897)". Nov 15, 2002.

50 mg oral 2C-B (capsule)
First I want to excuse for my bad English, hope that I could make myself understood! Recently so did I send in a Bad trip report with 2C-B, but I didn't write that I still use it and probably will continue until my death.

The first time I took 2C-B was when I where alone at home, for a long time had I felt myself not to belong anywhere. My mood was very blue, and I must confess that I didn't even know what 2C-B was, just heard that it was good but no one I know have tried it.

Anyway I just swallow the pill and wrote down the time 18.41, just before this have I eaten a big meal food. At about 19.20 so did I call my friend and tell him what a crap this substance was, then suddenly things started to happen. I was looking at a Steven Seagal movie, and I saw how his head suddenly looked like the elephantman....didn't understood anything and when I looked around all things started to be morphed.

I quickly ended the communication with my friend, and now things really started to happen, I put on some music, which took me quite a while because everything was morphing and my sights zoomed in and out. When the music started, I felt like an explosion inside of me and I could see my aura, and everything I looked at was so incredible beautiful. And even the simplest thing like pouring up a glass of water was incredible to watch.

It's so hard to describe, but let me say like was like being in paradise.

Then my mind started to think ' who am I?’ 'What am I?' and believe me when I say that I found out a lot of answers, in this trip. I don’t believe in god, but after this trip I believe that everyone is their own god. And I believe that there is a life after death, I been there as far a man can go with the chance to come back (but this is another story..Don’t know if I should write it down).

Don't remember who wrote it but ' 2C-B is a tool’, rightly used it is a wonderful substance. Used wrongly and it is your worst nightmare, I must say to you how important it is with a good friend that could help you if it went wrong in your trip.

I myself had a real asshole of a friend on one trip, because instead of talking me down he started to fuck up my brain and told me that I gonna die and that he was God and so on (had a real hell to get back to senses)....but believe me one day will he get what he deserved because what comes around goes around.

Anyway, even when I closed my eyes beautiful colours passed by and must say that never had music been so good. A WARNING though, don’t play music that take you down because 2C-B has a naughty side that could make you feel so depressed that its frightening. And don't take a shower like me, for in some way 2C-B had make my body real sensitive and my hearing had increased so when I started to shower it felt like needles all over my can I laugh about it but I remembered that I ran out naked in the garden. Just to get away from the pain and the sound of water pouring down.

Everything felt for the first time in my life, WONDERFUL! I strongly recommend this drug, because it can take you to dimensions that I haven't reach with other drugs. And please instead for pleasure (because 2C-B is incredible to have sex or masturbate with) use it to discover new dimensions...

Here come some tips to reach beyond with 2C-B:

1. Turn off the telephone, Put on music that you like (on random)

2. Turn off the lights (just light a candle)

3. Sit down and relax, Focus on the candle

4. When the ride starts...focus and feel yourself wander away into the unknown (this may not work the first time, but you soon will have the outside body experience)

'Better to wander into the unknown than to crawl in reality'

Father of Secrets

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18897
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 15, 2002Views: 17,520
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2C-B (52) : Difficult Experiences (5), General (1), Alone (16)

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