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A Weekend Wedding
LSD, MDA & Alcohol
Citation:   progresivo. "A Weekend Wedding: An Experience with LSD, MDA & Alcohol (exp18930)". Dec 20, 2004.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:59 0.5 oral MDA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:00 0.5 oral MDA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:59 2 oral MDA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:59   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
There are some times when I want to party quite more than other times, that was my case on that friday, I was quite happy for how the week went on my job, that night two great DJs were playing on a great party, all my close friends and my girlfriend were with me, it was a 3-day weekend (because of a holyday on monday), I just couldn't ask for more. But human nature is like that, I did want more. Although I've been taking pills for over 4 years I have never tried LSD, maybe because is not so easy to find, or because none of my friends take it on a regular basis, but that night some dealer came with new 'little papers' (that's how we call LSD here), he said they were great, so I finally decided to take one.

A girl friend (not my girlfriend) got it for me, I took it whole, not just a piece, she opened her eyes and mouth wide as she saw me and told me not to take that much, that half is enough, but I still took it whole. I kept it on my tounge as was told, but my friends kept telling me I had taken too much, so after 30 minutes I gave half to my girlfriend, she hadn't take it before too.

I took also half a pill of MDA, two hours later took another half. We call that combination here in Medellin, Colombia (LSD & pills) a 'wedding'.

At that time the party was starting, about 45 minutes later I started to feel very different, it was strange but great, the first change I noticed was that music seemed to flow in 3-D, the speakers at that place where just at the front, but I heard the music coming from everywhere, the bass from one side, some keyboards from other, cymbals from behind, all flowing through me, it was quite a sensation.

As time went by I started to look things differently too, people left traces as they walked, but what was quite unique were the way that girls looked, in that party there were quite a lot of cuties, very hot chicks, I could feel like their legs or arms or their butt where like a source of energy, it was great, I felt quite aroused.

The first 6 hours I didn't felt as dancing too much, I was quite overwhelmed by this new sensations, I felt like laughing a lot, sometimes I even shed a couple of tears of joy. When the party finished we went back to the city to a friend's apartment, I didn't drive, I gave the keys of the car to a friend, it was 8:00 AM.

This time I felt more much eager to dance, a friend bought some white wine, more pills, and we started the party again. About 12 hours after I took the LSD I sat and closed my eyes, after a while the music started to flow with colors, it was a great spectacle, since every kind of sound had its own colour and flowed the way it sounded, I lasted 30 minutes like that (my friends told me). It was quite a day and night of partying again, I just couldn't sleep, neither I could stay still easily, I lasted until the other day at 3:00 PM partying there.

At that moment I felt quite exhausted, like I would weigh 1 ton, I just went directly to sleep, felt awful, but not very bad.

It was a really unique experience, my friends tell me that the next time I should be in a place with more lights and colours, and even on a field, LSD is quite a strong drug, I believe it's not for the weak of mind.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18930
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 20, 2004Views: 10,001
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LSD (2), MDA (34) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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