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Saruday Exploration
Citation:   Anubis. "Saruday Exploration: An Experience with DPT (exp18950)". Jan 27, 2004.

145 mg insufflated DPT (powder / crystals)
Being a Saturday off from work, an event that rarely happens I decide to take advantage of it. My 3 previous attempts with DPT, the first at 25mg yielded nothing and 50mg didn't do much either even at 90mg I had a strong feeling it was working but no real visual distortions to speak of, although I felt at any moment I could break through.

Setting consisted of a friends house with a bunch of close friends on a beautiful Saturday afternoon for mid November in the Midwest about 60-65 degrees outside and sunny. So this time I decided on 140-150mg using a scale accurate to .01g. Within 10 to 20 min after snorting it I was definitely feeling it in the body. I spilled a drink I was pouring to get rid of the nasal drip which wasn't that bad but I haven't snorted anything but this so it is just an annoyance. So after I noticed my legs felt very wobbly to walk on and felt somewhat fidgety. I then began to notice objects breathing and mild tracers and waving of lines, such as an oil painting I was looking at the frame would bend and the figure in the center swayed back and forth. All in all a good experience I never really flipped out always was in control. Almost entirely gone by 2-3 hours and back to normal somewhat tired after 4 hours.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18950
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 27, 2004Views: 4,382
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DPT (21) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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