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5 Hits?
Citation:   Ssomeone Else. "5 Hits?: An Experience with LSD (exp19100)". Oct 19, 2006.

5 hits oral LSD
My son, never reallky understood why we were in therapy. Perhaps it was because we love him. Perhaps it's becasue I saw after years of taking acid myself and too much pot take my smiles away that I didnt want the potential inherent happiness of youth be ripped out of our son's soul by too many drugs as well. I remember getting angry one night during a family session- we were all sitting around, me, my wife and son, and a bunch of other addicted people all turning the conversation into 'all the stuff we know about drugs'..... I was thinking ' why couldnt all the experience and research for drugs be used for something that would have more long term enhancements- I dunno - like computer programming, or photography - or art - or love and respect.

It was during our last appointment, when my son revealed to his mom and I that one night he had taken 5 hits !!! Picture yourself sitting next to a young man - who you have tried to protect and guide since birth - and he tells you that he took 5 hits of acid - and that he knows people that have taken 12 ? Is this for real. It's amazing that any one of us who have been into drugs are even alive. Hey - am I being pragmatic- Fuck no, I am too old - I am 46 and a survivor - I know of what I speak - I am not some soul in a box that listens to the drug czar that tells me that we need to educate our kids on the dangers of drugs - ----- I was the danger.... and if you have just taken 5 hits- then you are a danger too. So, somewhere along the way - and somehow I survived my experience of $10 a bag weed and questionable quality windowpane - and blotter- and the legal drug of alcohol.... anyway I made it thus far - far enough to know - that maybe when god calls you - you're not too stoned ... but from what I know of God He will take a broken person and give you hope and a future - one that's better than the next 5 hits.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 19100
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 19, 2006Views: 24,131
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LSD (2) : Families (41), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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