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Giggly But Aggressive
Citation:   Chebycheff. "Giggly But Aggressive: An Experience with Galangal (exp1915)". Jun 19, 2000.

0.2 glasses oral Galangal (extract)
'Galangal' is Alpinia officinarum, a medicinal plant easily available in any chemist's store. It is quite cheap, so you can buy quite a lot of experimenting. It tastes extremely spicy, chewing the chopped root is quite tiring. I made an alcoholic extract of about 80g of the chopped roots.

Drinking 1/5 glass of the galanga-extract produced noticeable psychic effects. It becomes hard to concentrate, a very 'easy' and a bit giggly feeling. Sometimes I felt a very slight headache. There were some minor visual effects, hard to describe, but no LSD-colours as described elsewhere. In some cases I felt something like an 'aphrodisiac'-effect, but always after the main effects were gone. --- Quite hard, if one has no girlfriend, I nearly masturbated my **** off... --- Well, the primary effects are quite okay, but I got the impression that I was a bit unconcentrated, depressed and aggressive the next one or two days. I'm afraid Galanga has these very unpleasant side effects, but maybe that was just an illusion. I'm always depressed, more or less (see above). There will be one more experiment, if the aggressiveness occurs again, I'll surely leave this substance.

Exp Year: ExpID: 1915
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2000Views: 27,563
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Galangal (24) : General (1), Alone (16)

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