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The Big Tweek
Citation:   magic man. "The Big Tweek: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp19164)". Erowid.org. Feb 17, 2018. erowid.org/exp/19164

  smoked Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
It all started on a nice warm day in may. I lived with my stepdad and mom. That weekend my parents went out of town and left my father with me at our house. On saturday night my father left for awhile. My whole family does drugs, and his main drug was crank. I knew he was going to get some but didnt care. The next day when I was out in the garage I found a piece of tin foil laying on the shelf with a pen tube lying next to it. The tin was burnt on one side and on the other was melted crank, lots of it, (about a half gram). I took out my lighter and lit the burnt side. The crank instantly started evaporating but I had seen crank smoked before and expected it. I took the biggest hits I could and held them in for as long as I could. The feeling took me by surprise. It was the best feeling I ever felt. I felt like I had more power and energy than anyone in the world. I got my bike and rode as fast as I could for about a half mile and when I stopped I felt no exhaustion at all. I went back to my house to find that crank is easy as fuck to act normal on. I played my guitar until the comedown effects kicked in. Coming off of crank is nothing like anti-drug people make it sound. It leaves you feeling relaxed and calm and a lot nicer (I guess the nicer part depends on the person). After I came off I felt fine.

I think it's only physically addicting if one uses it for like 2 months every other day. It is highly mentally addicting because the feeling is so great. Another thing is to know one's limit. Whether its how long one has been doing it (day after day use) or how much one does, both are very important to know. Also, laying or sitting down when I come off helps me be relaxed, drink lots of water, and to make my high last longer do more things. If I just sit down while I'm high I'll probably get a numb feeling in my legs when you stand up.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19164
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 17, 2018Views: 1,373
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Methamphetamine (37) : General (1), Alone (16)

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