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A 3 gram trip to the Hospital
Citation:   R. Young. "A 3 gram trip to the Hospital: An Experience with DXM (exp19171)". Nov 25, 2002.

3.0 g oral DXM (powder / crystals)
The trip started with a full stomach. I dont have a scale but I bought 10 grams of dxm. I started filling small pieces of toilet paper with the powder and swallowing. I keept waiting and I felt little or nothing. So I kept taking more and more. Pretty soon I started to feel it pretty good so I poped in my exotic robotics atmosperex dvd and the 3d images were coming out of the tv. That was the last thing I remember from the night.

The next thing I remeber is my friend trying to get me up for school. He would tell me I have school but I would go right back into an unconsious state. When the father of the house went to out room and found me on the floor unconsious he picked me up and put me in bed. He drove my friend to school. While in the car he called his two older sons and told them to take me to the hospital. The next thing I remember is carl and owen (the 2 older sons) trying to wake me up. I kept asking where my freind was and they told me that we were going to go get him. So I got out of bed. I could only stay consious for about 30 seconds before going back unconsious. They dressed me and walked me out to the car and drove me to the hopital.

The whole time I had no clue what was going on I though I was in a different city picking up my freind from school. The nurses were pretty frantic. They gave me a cathader to get pee to see what was in my system. After they learned it was dxm they gave me narcan. Once the narcan kicked in I became conscious and realized I was at the hospital but the concept of the hospital and what happend was still fuzzy to me. I was like in a hypnosis and anything they told me I believed. I spent the next 24 hours in icu. I ws so messed up I asked for another cathader (thats messed up) I was still really high for the next day or so. But I got to watch mtv. After I went home I had a new like for the urban hip-hop culture. Ive always like hip hop but this was a new like for it. When I got home I realized that I knew how to pop and lock. But 2 days later I forgot how to. Anyway some of my story was lost I hope this helps people to use caution while using this drug. Make sure you know how much your taking.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19171
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 25, 2002Views: 34,405
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DXM (22) : Overdose (29), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Health Problems (27), Hospital (36)

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