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Disconnected From Reality
Cannabis (brownies)
by N/G
Citation:   N/G. "Disconnected From Reality: An Experience with Cannabis (brownies) (exp19175)". Nov 25, 2002.

3 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
I had the opportunity to try it. I have only smoked around 4 or 5 times in my lifetime, so i'm somewhat of an amateur. I ate about the equivalent to 3 normal size brownies.

I had actually eaten a sandwhich beforehand because I had not eaten anything all day, so it took about 45 minutes to an hour before the effects started to come on. At first I thought I had control of myself, but fairly soon I found myself wandering constantly back and forth from one dorm bedroom to another. I had a cold glass of water with me at all times and was spilling it all over myself. suddenly my whole body felt like just a face. I would touch my leg, forhead, and various other places of my body and I could taste the cold in my mouth, because the window was open and my arms and hands were cold. Not only that, but I could feel the cold in my brain. I could feel the signals telling my brain that my leg is cold; yet my leg was not my leg, it was my mouth. I tried wandering around, communicating with people, but everything was choppy. I felt disconnected from the world.

Someone sat me down and tried to make me watch a cartoon called Invader Zim on one of the computers. My mind was recoiling away from this reality. the next thing i know, I was over in the corner of the room and invader zim had been frozen. I looked at it and then I looked at the person who tried to make me watch the cartoon; however, his eyes were big and everything had frozen. Time had stopped. It would start up again, but everything was extremely choppy. All the while, I was mumbling and making weird noises trying to communicate with everyone. Out of complete confusion, I grabbed a body pillow thinking it would warm me up. but it didn't. Instead, the pillow became part of me and I became colder. Cold sensations filled the area where the pillow was. I passed out for about 20 minutes and woke up feeling mildly recovered.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19175
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 25, 2002Views: 13,414
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Cannabis (1) : Health Problems (27), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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