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Is the FAQ Bullshit?
Large Hawaiian Woodrose
Citation:   Clarence Darrow. "Is the FAQ Bullshit?: An Experience with Large Hawaiian Woodrose (exp1945)". Erowid.org. Jun 19, 2000. erowid.org/exp/1945

A friend of mine tried the extraction from the file FAQ-MorningGlory-Part1 and had absolutely no results. No nausea, no effects, no nothing. He got LBWR seeds instead of HBWR because at the time they were cheaper and according to the faq they had the same percentage of alkaloids. He prepared the seed material using lighter fluid and then let the stuff sit in the ethanol for twice the recommended time (8 days). He got up on Sat morning at dawn with all of his trippy toys prepared the night before and was real pissed that nothing happened. Since I was the one who gave him the faq he blames me too for screwing up his whole weekend and tells me I'm full of shit. He's a bit excitable at times (-:

So anyway what's the deal? If you tried the extraction and it worked for you please post here or email me. If you tried the extraction and it *didn't* work for you please post here or email me. I will summarize to the net if I get a lot of email responses. I have to admit that the part about absorbing enough to feel effects by swishing the stuff around in your mouth (has anyone ever tried holding pure ethonol in your mouth anyway? I drank straight everclear in highschool once and thought I would die) but I digress.

Exp Year: 1995ExpID: 1945
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2000Views: 12,772
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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