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Dancing Like A Maniac In The Middle Of The Living Room
MDMA (Ecstasy), Cannabis, Alcohol
Citation:   The Deadly Avenger. "Dancing Like A Maniac In The Middle Of The Living Room: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy), Cannabis, Alcohol (exp19509)". Sep 5, 2005.

  repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
    oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Two very close friends and I were staying in a large rented caravan/mobile home for four nights at a small campsite in the New Forest area of England. The village we stayed in is a tiny, picturesque location complete with a nice country pub and village green, which is occupied by a few wild horses during the day. Despite coming here twice before, we still thought of ourselves as strangers in this small, isolated, rural community. It kind of reminded me of old Western films where three horsemen would arrive in a small outback town, causing suspicion and edginess amongst the locals. Except our horses were bikes – we were there to go mountain biking in the surrounding forest area, you see.

Now I’ve set the scene, let’s get down to the fun part – the night in question. We started the evening getting slightly drunk in the caravan and smoking a few joints. We then headed down to the village pub where we proceeded to drink some more (Jack Daniel’s as I remember), and make acquaintance with the local laydeez of the village. Once closing time came we all headed to a house party just down the road from the pub and somehow managed to blag our way in. There was talk going round of a geezer hanging around outside selling ecstasy, and my friend and I wasted no time in obtaining some of these pills. Once we had these pills in our hands we began to get quite apprehensive. It was to be the first time for both of us but there was no going back now so we downed them and had some cheap wine. Roughly half an hour later, the effects were getting quite noticeable for me and I had the sudden urge to start dancing like a maniac in the middle of the living room floor of this guy’s house who I didn’t even know. My friend at this point was in the bathroom doing I don’t know what so I went into the garden for some fresh air and a brief sit down.

There were some dogs in the garden running around in an enclosed fenced area, and I was getting bored waiting for my friend still in the bathroom, so I decided to ‘feed’ the dogs. This involved me carrying armloads of canned dog food from the fridge inside out into the garden to hurl into the dog area. And this is where it all started to get a bit surreal.

I remember making my way out into the front garden of the house and seeing a police car pull up outside. This brought on a sudden, intense wave of paranoia in me and being the first person he saw, the police officer strolled up to me and started asking questions about noise levels, shouting, things like that. I blabbered my way through this interrogation with some ease and the officer went inside. At this point the paranoia really started to creep in. I had a feeling that everyone was looking for me, for punishing me for every bad thing I had ever done in my life. Although this might sound like a bad trip to you, I was actually enjoying it as I felt like a James Bond character – everybody looking to kill him, but always staying one step ahead. The adrenalin rush was like no other I had ever experienced.

I was feeling overwhelmed by all the action and so I went back to our caravan alone to get some more weed to mellow me out a bit. I did this ok but upon returning to the party I decided not to go back in but to head opposite to the village green instead, and watch the action from a safe viewpoint all by myself. I sat under a tree in total darkness and began to roll and smoke a few joints. After two joints I remember babbling incoherently like a fool and I must have collapsed or something.

I awoke and looked at my watch – it was 5am. I headed back to the caravan where my friends were fucking around with the TV set or something and I sat down calmly. I then burst into a full rendition of most of my favourite songs and went to bed. The singing was especially satisfying as I was feeling like a rock star or something, and that was good. I like singing when I’m wasted anyway.

So that’s that. The next day I didn’t feel too bad, didn’t have a hangover, felt quite good actually, but a bit sick. I’m surprised I can remember so many details of this night but it was all good, like a chapter out of “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19509
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 5, 2005Views: 1,802
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MDMA (3), Alcohol (61), Cannabis (1) : Various (28), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), General (1)

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