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More Like a Hobby Than a Habit
Citation:   dracula with glasses. "More Like a Hobby Than a Habit: An Experience with Heroin (exp19609)". Apr 29, 2019.

1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  3 lines insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
Well, let me start off by saying that I am currently 18 years of age. I have quite a bit of experience with drugs, ranging from cheap highs (huffing) all the way up to heroin, which this is about.

I started fooling around with ways of getting high when I was about 12. I was one of those kids who would huff and feel cool, not realizing the risk of doing so, and always promising myself that I would never stoop so low as to trying heroin, because we all knew that it was horrible, or is it?

I have had the chance to try it for a few years, being as when I was 15, I started experimenting with cocaine. I had thought I had found that one drug, which I would always use as a pick me up. Well earlier this year that was all changed.

Coming off of another extreme coke binge, which left me 10 pounds lighter, and damn near broke, I was staying at my fathers house for the week. I had come across prescription drugs (OxyContin,Vicodin) in my fathers cabinet. I decided to take those since I had used those before and was very fond of them. So that night I sat on the porch, cigarette in hand, sorting through pills.

Unaware that anyone was even up (it was pretty late), I had noticed a middle-aged man in raggedy clothes approached the front step of the house. Startled, I glanced up, and he had asked what I had. After my response he seemed interested in making a trade. He pulled out a small bag of what I imagined to be coke, but was informed it was heroin, so I figured 'what the hell?', and gave him the pills and after the transaction was complete, I went inside to my room.

Staring at it, I was kind of nervous, as anyone would be, had they been standing in front of a new substance they had yet to try. I cut a couple tiny lines and dove in. I won't go into detail, because from what I know now, that was poor quality H, and it did nothing but make me feel nauseated. So I had figured I wouldn't try it again.

Let's skip ahead to recent times.

An old friend of mine had informed my best friend and I that he had connections to any drug we wanted. Having been clean of coke for a while, we went to get some. Well the one set we went to was out, so I asked if they had good dope. I purchased a ten bag.

That night I was skeptical, seeing as how I thought I blew ten bucks on another sickly night. I was dead wrong. I cut three nice lines. Did the first, and tilted my head back as to get the majority of the excess powder into my nasal cavity. I lit up a cigarette and by the time I was almost finished it, I was sailing. The warmth, the extreme pleasure, it was all there. And I loved every second of it. Quick to feel better, I did another line. Within minutes I was indescribably happy. I knew that I would be enjoying heroin alot more. After about an hour or so I finished the last line and cleaned up. Laying in bed, with some Radiohead playing, I drifted in and out of dream-like states. I had never felt better.

I awoke the next morning totally relaxed. No sickness, which was a delight. I went out the next morning and purchased two more bags.

Well, since then I've done it quite a bit. In fact, I just cut a few lines before writing this. As you can tell, I feel satisfied. I know of the dangers, and I won't force it on anyone else. I know a few of my friends are interested in trying it. So we'll see how they like it.

All in all, its a great, and powerful substance.

High and Mighty.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19609
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 29, 2019Views: 1,392
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Heroin (27) : Alone (16), General (1)

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