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Euphoric Social Lubricant
Citation:   spackboy. "Euphoric Social Lubricant: An Experience with 5-MeO DIPT & MDMA (exp19684)". Jan 15, 2004.

6.0 mg insufflated 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
  3.0 mg insufflated 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
  4.0 mg insufflated 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
  60 mg insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
  1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
BODY WEIGHT: 11.5 kg
After trying foxy a couple of times at low doses, and finding its social enhancement enjoyable, I was curious as to its effects in combination with MDMA.

Set and setting: I was in a fairly positive mind set, having a last weekend of relaxing before getting into a working mindset over the holidays. I was a little apprehensive, as I didnt want to fall into a trap of over consumption and have that negatively impacting on the coming week.

The setting was a party at a friends flat, a mixture of people I knew and didnt, to celebrate a birthday, and people there were in various mild inebriated states, mostly on alcohol or MDMA. On arriving around midnight, I immediately split a dose of 5-MeO DIPT with a friend, D. I should point out here that I had brought to the party 3 weighed out doses, each 12mg +/- 1mg. So, I split one of these doses, by eye, and we each snorted approx. 6mg. I have found that snorting reduces the sometimes too heavy body load of the foxy a good deal, especially the nausea I have experienced when taking even small amounts orally. However, it should be noted that snorting 6mg+ of foxy is a pretty unpleasent experience, with a powerful burn at least as bad as 2CB, and the post nasal drip is bitter and burns the back of the throat for around 10-15 mins. Its important to have some water or juice on hand to neutralise this burning and take away the unpleasent tast.

I then started to wander the party, talking to my friends, and being introduced to new people. I find that snorted foxy comes on a lot slower than other insufflated chemicals, taking around 30mins to come on, and peaking around 2 hours after (this could be however due to the drip down being processed via the oral route, and thus contributing over a longer time period as well). I found it easy to interact with nearly everyone, despite their quite varied states. As the foxy started to develop, I found my conversation animated, and the slight psychedelic overtones made me find most of the party and people quite amusing. My mood was positive, but not euphoric. I was suprised how easy I was able to flow into conversation with strangers, without my altered state negatively impacting on things (my first ever experience with foxy had been at a party, where I had found it very difficult to interact with people I didnt know, and I had felt drawn into conflict or threatened on number of occasions - this was probably more due to the setting of that trip).

Around 2am, with the foxy starting to ease off a little, the host, a good friend of mine asked if he could try some of the foxy. He had already had quite a bit of MDMA, so I didnt want to give him too much foxy, as a simple precaution for this as yet untested combo. He, I and D split another of the doses into three by eye again, with the host receiving the slightly larger of the three lines (I guess 4-5mg) with D and I each taking a small line (3-4mg).

At this point the party was getting lively, and the boost of the foxy enabled me to sit back and enjoy the music. People were dancing all around me, and on occasion I joined in, but was also quite content to watch. I was having mild CEVs at this point, mainly geometrics, which responded nicely to the music. The physical sensations were more pronounced, with a buzzing tactile feel. My mood remained positive, with a slight anxiety at the busy coming week quickly brushed aside. Previous foxy experiences of mine have somtimes had quite a high anxiety factor, almost as bad as LSD or mushroom induced tripping anxieties, but I think again that these were due in no small part to setting, and the setting this time was very friendly.

I had pleasant converstations with friends, touching on my work and experiences with psychoactives, and again found no trouble interacting with those who where relatively straight, or just drinking. I smoked a little weed at this point, which rounded out the edges of the foxy, and contributed nicely to the physical sensations.

Around 3.30am, the party had started to shift in character, with many of those not on drugs leaving or passing out around the flat, leaving a smaller number. At this point my host offered me some MDMA, and we decided to split the remaining dose of foxy at this point too. I was unsure if another approx. 4mgs would do very much except prolong the tail end of the trip for me, but I slight devil-may-care attitude had entered my mind. My host seemed to be enjoying the small amount of foxy I had previously given him, with no apparent ill effects, so my host, me and another friend who was curious split the last dose, 4mgs each near as I could measure. I also snorted a medium sized line of MDMA, rough guess 60mg. I didnt want to do to much, as MDMA always negatively impacts on me a few days later, with depression and general listlessnes.

The MDMA was immediately noticable 10-15 mins after insufflation. The initial come up was more intense than I would expect from such a small amount, obviously boosted by the foxy. As it settled a little, my mood moved up to euphoric. Tactile sensations became more pronounced, and I found myself more motivated to dance. Dancing was easy, and very enjoyable, with a clear euphoria in the group as a whole. At times, the physical waves of MDMA and foxy where enough to cause me to sit down for a short period, and the CEVs became more intense at this point, although never more than coloured geometric patterns. I had no real open eye visuals, a bit of colour enhancement, but that was all.

The combination seemed to peak over the next hour and a half, and after sitting down for a rest, I was again drawn into interesting conversation. Normally, I find MDMA to animate conversation, but cloud thought processes somewhat, but the foxy seemed to add an edge of clarity (not complete clarity by any means!). I drank a little beer, which tasted pretty good after the water I had been on most of the evening, and smoked a little more weed, as I began to ease down. The comedown was slow and drawn out, and not at all like the 'dropping of a cliff' of MDMA, where often I find myself very high, and then down quite a lot a very short time after. The physical sensations were very pronounced, but not unpleasently so, and I sprawled onto the couch and let the music wash over me for a while.

Around 5:30am, the party was starting to thin a little, and my companion and I (who had not taken any chemicals that evening) decided it was time to wend out way home. Although well out of the peak by now, the effects of the two drugs were still present, with the foxy persisting longer than the MDMA. We arrived home at 6:30, and I could still feel a physical buzzing from the foxy. Around 7am I attempted to sleep, but found some difficulty in doing so for a good 30-60 mins (not quite sure how long..). My previous experiences with foxy have been marked by very long tail offs, sometimes as long as 7-8 hours after insufflation.

Im writing this report the day after, and still feel a positive mood afterglow, with the physical sensations pretty much gone. Much better than the fogginess that I get the day after a high dose MDMA session (150-250mg), and I am able to retain many of the positive ideas and concepts that I had under the influence, and that came from my converstations, again unlike MDMA when I often find it difficult to piece together my memories of thought processes afterwards.

To sum up, I found this combination to be very rewarding, the foxy enhancing the MDMA and adding a psychedelic twist to the whole experience. It certainly worked well in a social setting, and the day after effects are not as bad as I thought they might be. I wouldnt want to push the MDMA levels up to high, as I would imagine the combined body loads would be fairly intense and the day after mental numbness more pronounced, but I would like to try a higher dose of the foxy, now I know that these two go together. Perphaps 12mgs insufflated (or oral) followed by a similar dose of MDMA.

The only downside for me with foxy in general, is the length of the tail end of the trip, when not much is happening apart from a little niggling physical buzz, which prevents sleep. I would like to try using ketamine, or possibly opium tea to try and round out the edges before sleep. Although there are some negative suggestions about the body load combo of foxy and k, I have also heard of several people who find that k goes well with many high strength tryptamines, and I can imagine the visual psychedelic aspect would be greatly enhanced (as it is with k and 2CB in combination).

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19684
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 15, 2004Views: 14,189
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MDMA (3), 5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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