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Mindblowing Interdimensional Journey
Salvia divinorum (5x extract)
Citation:   chaote. "Mindblowing Interdimensional Journey: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (5x extract) (exp19811)". Sep 29, 2005.

T+ 0:00
1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
  T+ 1:00 1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
4 days ago was the first time I ever tried salvia. I was not worried about the trip being too strong as I have done a fair deal of psychedelics in my time and consider myself quite able to handle even the strongest of trips. I even once ODed on DXM, and yet the trip salvia gave me was the most powerful, alien, mind-altering journey I have ever been on. It was also the best trip I have ever had in my life. Before taking the salvia, I took a long bath to relax, and read some of my favorite stories by HP Lovecraft. Reading materials which I would not recommend for most before taking a psychedelic, but I wanted to read something that would prepare me and put me in a mind set for a total annihilation of everyday reality.

After the bath I proceeded to my room, put on some of my favorite music, layed down on my bed and smoked one bowl, keeping the smoke in my lungs for as long as possible. After just the first hit, I looked down at a box next to my bed and got lost in a flashback of childhood dreams. After about a minute of reminiscing, I realised that I was tripping and finished off the bowl. I looked over to a poster I have on my wall, a typical trippy poster that can be found in the room of any young psychonaught, and spent an entire lifetime of an alien entity navigating through the hazy shroom world of my poster, time was meaningless. I was then catapulted into at least 20 more different lives of entities operating on such a different plane of existence that I could barely comprehend their thoughts, I was a witness to an invisible universe. I can still remember it very clearly, but it is impossible to explain in our words, I cannot compare what I saw, thought and felt to anything else that I have ever experienced, even on other strong psychedelics.

It is impossible for me to ascertain whether I tapped into some part of my mind which is totally alien to normal consciousness and even alien to the most altered states I have ever experienced or if my mind was opened to a plane beyond our comprehension. Perhaps both.

But that was not even the high point of the evening, about an hour after smoking the first bowl, I was starting to feel sorta normal. Sorta normal as in I was no longer tripping very hard but simply changed from the trip. So I walked to my bathroom, got a drink of water and returned to my room to smoke a second bowl. In less than a minute after smoking it, I had to rush back to the bathroom, it felt as if my bladder was about to explode. Walking was not a challenging as expected. It appears salvia did not effect my coordination in the slightest, I was still hard to walk because I was tripping so hard, but easier than walking a strait line drunk. After evacuating my bladder, I looked into the mirror and strait into my eyes. They say the eyes are the doorway to the soul, there is a lot more to the soul than most people expect.

I looked into my eyes and saw a portal to another dimension, in the blue of my eyes I saw the most complex organic matrix, I then looked down it and saw my true self. A multidimensional being of which my body and mind are only the smallest tip of the iceberg. I was staring at a being compared to which I was only a speck of dust, and yet that being was me. I don't really know how to explain what I felt, because there was nothing that separated me from this greater me. Than I realized that I had always been this being, I just cannot manifest my true self on this plane. I looked around and saw that everyone on this planet is like this, we are all so much more than even we realize. After seeing that, nothing else that happened that night could compare.

Salvia changed me, I did not emerge the same person that I was before taking it. I find change desireable, but for some this could be a most unpleasant ego shattering experience. I should also clarify that I have a fair bit of experience with transcendental meditation and other occult workings which prepared me very well for such an experience. While a mystical, mindblowing, amazing trip it was, it was also a very personal introspective trip. Salvia could be a real great psychological danger to those who are not ready for it. I have never experienced anything else that even resembles it in my life.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19811
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 29, 2005Views: 7,059
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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