A Stoned Encounter
Citation:   Fuzzy Cupid. "A Stoned Encounter: An Experience with LSD (exp1984)". Erowid.org. Jun 20, 2000. erowid.org/exp/1984

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
The incident which I relate occurred 28 years ago, but I still remember it as if it happened yesterday. I was tripping on acid on a weekend evening, and I was well on my way, being very stoned. I liked to walk over across the road from my house where there was a pond with an open field all around- no houses- and someone had built a gazebo in the middle of this pond, with a narrow wooden walkway out to it. I was enjoying the acid trip as I usually did, when suddenly, off in the horizon, I noticed a flaming round ball shooting thru the sky, then going behind some trees. The ball was an orange flame color, larger than say an airplane light would be if you saw it at night. This was way off in the horizon. Before I could think what in the hell was that, I felt a tremendous force over the pond- it was light and energy, and the force of it pushed my chin back, and forced me to lie down on my back in the grass at the edge of the pond. I couldn't look at it- the force was too great!

And then I heard a voice. It seemed to come from some place both inside and outside me. It said 'Don't look at me, or you will die!' At that time, I chose not to look at it and I lay there on the grass feeling this incredible force over me, pushing my chin back.

I felt tremendous exhilaration, but not fear. Then the voice said to me,'Do you want to come with me? Or do you want to go back to your friends?' In that instant, I felt that if I went with the force, I would surely die. So I said 'I want to go back to my friends.' And I am sure that I did not move my lips, but the speaking was by thought except I could hear it.

In a moment, the force slowly began to lift up and fade away, and when it was gone, I got up and ran back to my house. My friends were there, and I told them what had happened, but they didn't believe me and they thought I was having a weird trip, though not a bad one. So I just accepted that they wouldn't believe me, but I know that it happened to me, and I can still remember it clearly 28 years later.

Exp Year: 1971ExpID: 1984
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 20, 2000Views: 5,793
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LSD (2) : General (1), Nature / Outdoors (23), Alone (16)

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