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Mind Explorers' Seeds
H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   Clar604. "Mind Explorers' Seeds: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp19926)". Oct 7, 2005.

10 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (extract)
  6.5 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (extract)
  6.5 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (extract)
The first time I tried HBWR seeds(I believe these are good quality) I only scraped off the coating as I found instructs for everywhere online. I was very careful but it wasn't enough. I hadn't eaten in about 20 hours and I had just woken up and my mind was clear and sharp at the time. I ate 10 seeds (In my opinion, too much for first-timers but I am quite confident in myself). The taste is quite bad when chewed but nothing I couldn't stand for the time they're in my mouth. I swallowed them after a couple of minutes chewing.

In 30 minutes I started to experience nausea and it was so hard I'd expect sensitive people to throw up. The nausea lasted for about 3 hours(and didn't go away with weed but I didn't smoke much) and made it nearly impossible to concentrate on the positive effects but I still noticed changes in perception and thinking. I was mostly lying on my bed because I also got very sleepy but the nausea kept me awake :). The peak came at 3 hours as I've read from other experiences and it was like some out-of-this-world euphoria, a truly spiritual experience, very hard to explain. The nausea also disappeared then. But the negative effects were not over. My legs felt very heavy after that and I couldn't really even walk well so I just wanted the effects to go away after the peak that was the only positive effect I could really concentrate on. All effects were gone 3 hours after the peak so it was 6 hours total.

So that first experience wasn't very positive but the peak convinced me that this is a powerful psychedelic. I started to read everything I could find online about HBWR and it seemed to me that the irritant in the seeds was not just in the coating but also in the seed itself(because of the amount of nausea I and other people experienced). I also got the impression that the poison would be cyanogenic glycoside that produces hydrogen cyanide and the effects matched too. And since it's water soluble I decided to try to extract the poison from the seeds to remove the bad effects. From what I've read and heard, it seems people have also drunk the extract (with water, I don't mean the petrol-extracts or anything that advanced :). So the extraction didn't really help them at all...

I scraped off the coating from 13 seeds this time and put them in water. After about 12 hours they were a little softer and I could crush them so the the water would get better in the inner parts(I apologize for my lack of professional terms :). I also removed some kind of jelly from the seeds with toilet paper and dried them as well as I could. My assumption was that the jelly would be irritants or something that doesn't have the LSA-alkaloids. Then I changed the water and put the crushed seeds in.(and repeated the same cleaning process and water changing once)

Now I had dry crushed seeds that shouldn't have the irritant but were hopefully still potent(although the extraction probably took some LSA-alkaloids too, can't confirm anything because of my poor knowledge in chemistry). I ate half of them and I had even eaten this time and smoked weed before a lot. I got no nausea at all but felt the effects. This time I could concentrate on them a lot better. Some minor visuals were also present but the dominant effect was on thinking. Thoughts were flowing all the time and if I didn't think of something, I got a little anxious. I still don't think this substance is hard for your psyche, it's just a little disturbing if you don't have anything to do or you start to think really negative things but you should know what you're doing when you take psychedelic drugs, right? I also got very sleepy again but I stayed awake most the time. This time it was a great tool to change perspective in thinking and see the bigger picture etc. I didn't experience the mystical peak this time though but the dosage was lower too. I also slept 12 hours after the experience and the dreams were very lucid(but not lucid-dreams) and my feelings in the dreams were as strong as awake. So this is a dream enhancer too: my dreams were simply amazing compared to usual, I could remember them very well afterwards too.

Next day I decided to try the rest of the crushed seeds(6,5) without any weed. I had eaten chocolate and unhealthy stuff like that. But no nausea this time either and I got the same effects as last time. Same goes for dreaming too. I believe the peak effect could be achieved this way too with larger dosage and also the duration was the same as with 10 seeds eaten.

So these seeds are definitely not for people who are looking for party stuff or cool visuals(I find that kind of things very shallow if they're dominant in the experience) but for mind explorers and people looking for new perspectives in their lives. I generally get very sleepy as it affects my dreams positively, I don't think it's a problem. And I really recommend some extraction method, water worked for me very well without having noticeable affecting the potency. Just don't keep the seeds in water for too long and they should stay potent.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19926
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 7, 2005Views: 7,817
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