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Beautifully Bitter
Absinthe (homemade)
by Mona
Citation:   Mona. "Beautifully Bitter: An Experience with Absinthe (homemade) (exp20052)". Jan 2, 2003.

2 oz oral Absinthe (liquid)
Somehow, in Northern California, it was easy to obtain wormwood from a holistic herbs shop. Absinthe is usually made with wormwood and grain alcohol, but the latter was thought to be a little too strong for our tastes. A large, plastic jug of cheap vodka did the trick. We added the wormwood to the vodka, wrapped the jug in some blankets, shoved it into a box, and forgot about it for 16 days.

Many people filter the herbs out and add spices, and let it sit for another week or so. We did not have the patience for this. We strained the herbs and each drank a shot. He threw it back, but I sipped it for a bit. My main complaint about absinthe is that is tastes AWFUL.

It comes on slow, but when it came, MAN, it came. A total mental high. A light feeling behind the eyes and kinda dizzy, but only for a few minutes. The lingering effects were very very nice. I felt calm and creative. I talk a lot usually, but I was very much 'inside my mind,' if that makes any sense. I felt pleased with my surroundings...nothing bothered me. I wrote a lot of weird prose and poetry, and had what seemed like very intellectual conversations. Of course, we were all drinking the stuff, so who knows?

I drank a glass of Coca-Cola afterwards, to eradicate the taste of the beverage. It lingers, but in moderation, and the right setting, the experience overrode the sour flavor.

Absinthe is POISON. People expect to get really high, and they think that the more they drink, the better it will be. NOT SO. I can recommend sipping it, enjoying it, and make it last. Because wormwood can be costly.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 20052
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 2, 2003Views: 27,041
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Absinthe (4) : Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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