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Clear and Centered
by Bug
Citation:   Bug. "Clear and Centered: An Experience with MDE (exp2018)". Jun 21, 2000.

1 tablet oral MDE (pill / tablet)
Okay, so we took some of what we were told was MDE, to mark the new year. We are mostly sure that it was in fact MDE, but it's difficult to be sure.

12:27 am (T+ 0) - We threw down. The tablets were diamond-shaped, fairly small, with brown specks. We were expecting a chance to welcome the new year, and to get a chance to enjoy each other's company in our first on-on-one empathogenic experience.

1:20 am (T+ :53) - 'Definitely coming up, feeling cold extremities, feeling like i want to stretch a lot.... kind of like a double latte'

1:42 am (T+ 1:15) - Jittery, definitely on.

2:15 am (T+ 1:48) - More in the basin, definitely E-ish, lit incense smells good, spool (by Jhno) sounds nice. Grooving.

3:30 (T+ 3:03) Still feeling waves of new energy, not really coming down. A bit speedy, not that verbal. Why didn't my companion get an effect? Very strange. Very centered-ish, like I don't NEED to do anything, and yet the idea of slowly strolling around appeals.

Later that night my companion decided to take a bath. Afterwards we retired to the bedroom, me still definitely on but coming over the peak. We lay awake in bed for at least two more hours before finally sleeping.

Throughout the next day I felt low-power flashes of the same energy as the previous night. Coffee helped re-kindle those, as it does with MDMA.

I felt throughout the entire experience a tightness in my neck and shoulder muscles. Not sore, but definitely tense. Even at +24 hours or so, they are still tight.

The down side is not near as draining as mdma. I feel fairly good, though our discovery of a burglary at our house has dampened my spirits slightly. I feel as if this would be far worse had I been emotionally exposed by MDMA.

This material is often described as more 'stoney' than MDMA, and with that I would agree. I spent most of my time just _zoning_ on a singular, Good feeling. I wasn't particularly chatty, though words came easily when I needed them. I was not WAY UP, but still felt clear, centered, and connected.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2018
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 21, 2000Views: 25,767
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MDE (35) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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