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Looked Like A Crazed Nut
Citation:   IMAdumbass. "Looked Like A Crazed Nut: An Experience with MDMA (exp20329)". Jul 13, 2013.

2 hits   MDMA
I was taking E a couple years back for about 3 months, about 4 hits on the weekend. I stopped after hearing all the bad news footage and I would have tremendous nightmares. Well 2 years later I started to try my luck again with E. About a couple of months ago I tried and had a bad experience breating heavy, smacking my lips...I just looked like a crazed nut...I tought I just got some bad shit. Then I treid it again and the the same shit happened....I thought again 'well maybe I got some bad shit' then last week it was my b-day and I was in the club and somebody gave me a freebee. It was the worst experience!!! I was breathing heavy ,smacking my lips, fucking up my jaw. I never used to get like that at all. I used to take it and not feel a thing. I had the worst hangover...I still do. I thought I was gonna die. The next 3days I had nausa...I felt okay when I was laying down...but when I got up...ehhh. Its been a week and my head has had a wierd feeling I cant feels like I can feel the blood in my brain moving (if anybody knows what this is please tell me) my eyesight is out of wack and I get ocassional pains in my back.. I'm hoping its just anxiety. My lesson learned is that I cant do the shit anymore. Believe me it gets worse the more I take it....and a week worth of feeling like I'm gonna just not worth it. I loved it and was always thinking about it and bam! Now I hate it....I will stay away from it and stick to the beer.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 20329
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 13, 2013Views: 1,381
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MDMA (3) : Club / Bar (25), Post Trip Problems (8), Hangover / Days After (46), Health Problems (27), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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