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First Time Rocketship
by Dgx
Citation:   Dgx. "First Time Rocketship: An Experience with AMT (exp20347)". Jan 12, 2003.

35 mg oral AMT
Before I go into detail, I suppose I should start off with the basics. I'm 16, 5', 110 lbs. I'm not too experienced with tripping; personally I like club drugs more and I find mushrooms just didn't do it for me, but I decided to try AMT since my boyfriend had gotten it anyway. I haven't seen many experiences from girls who are lightweight, so when I was researching it was hard for me to figure out what dose I should take. I ended up playing it safe with 35 mg and decided after the full effects came on, I'd try more if I didn't think it was sufficient enough.

Last night, me & my boyfriend (whom I'll call Trat) ingested our pills around 8:00 p.m. It wasn't really planned and I was really questioning whether I even wanted to do it, but eventually I just got curious and decided to fuck it and just take it, even with our lack of preparation. He took more than me, at 75 mg, due to our weight difference. We were at a friend's house which we didn't plan on staying at. We were just sitting around waiting for effects to come on. At about an hour into the trip, still nothing. We decided to head back to Trat's house. I was relieved; I feel very comfortable there and knew he was the best person I could possibly have around. Around 2 hours, he reported feeling different, while I still didn't feel any different except slight euphoria.

Around 2 hours 30 mins. into it, my boyfriend puked and said he felt much better. I felt nauseous, especially after watching someone puke, and had a bad headache at the back of my head, but I felt like I wasn't ready to puke so I just waited. Sure enough, after about 30 min. I felt very nausous, and since I have a strong stomach, I just shoved my finger down my throat and proceeded to puke. I felt relieved and the effects definately became stronger. I stared at the lights in the room and was amazed at how bright they seemed. I still didn't feel like I was tripping but I wasn't sober any more. My favorite trance song was playing and I felt great happiness just from listening to it; it seemed so much more beautiful than ever before.

About an hour later, I started seeing slight visuals. Nothing like mushrooms; it wasn't really about colors. Mostly it was geometric and pixel-y; just by staring at the computer I could see 'hidden' patterns and blinking black dots. I went over and laid down with Trat, and we began talking. It was very stimulating, and just talking and looking at him I felt I had some kind of connection with him like I hadn't before. We began talking about the world and the universe and God; basically just deep subjects that it wouldn't have been possible to talk about otherwise. We understood each other very well, and everything each one of us said, the other grasped it perfectly. I ended up even saying the same things he did at the same time. I started noticing whenever he moved his arm, I saw trails, and his shadow had an aura around it that was blue and pink. Very beautiful.

We had been drinking water the entire night to keep from dehydrating, and he had to go to the bathroom (which was risky because his mom was home and neither of us wanted to talk to her while tripping) but he went and I took out some paper and a pen and began writing. It was very easy for me to write, and I just wrote down each and every thought that came into my mind. I knew it wasn't making sense because every thought was rambling, but it was flowing together and I didn't care. I wish I could include an excerpt, but unfortunatly to my disappointment I puked on them later and had to throw them out. After about 20 minutes, I had to go the bathroom too and I ended up making myself puke again. Usually I hate puking, but I felt so purified after puking that I almost accepted it as a part of the trip.

The trip really started to set in (now about 4 or 5 hours into it) and the visuals were strong. I kept looking around the room and everything had trails on them. Smash Bros. Melee was on the TV and I noticed things in the background glowing and moving. Music was playing but I wasn't really interested although I felt an appreciation for it. I also didn't feel the need to talk anymore; I was too involved with everything around me. I remember I kept looking around the room and just feeling complete and whole and in awe by the beauty of everything. My headache and tightness in my chest kept coming back and then going away, but it wasn't enough to make me mind. The room was almost shaking, and the darkness and shadows kept moving and flowing. For brief periods, I felt overwhelmed and nervous, but it passed quickly. It wasn't like E or mushrooms; I felt safe and secure with myself and I felt emotional towards people I thought about like I loved everyone, but nothing had a sexual side to it and nothing seemed frightening or confused.

After the peak at about 7 hours, visuals were still strong but the mental part of it was pretty much gone. I felt cold and wanted very much to be under a blanket or to cuddle with my boyfriend. We both got under a nice heavy quilt and immediately felt much better. I really just wanted to lay down and stay there, but I knew we had to keep drinking water and frequently getting up to take a piss. It was the only part of the trip I didn't like, because just picking up the water bottle seemed like such a chore and I didn't want to move at all. I laid in bed for the next 2 hours and my body began feeling heavy and tired, although my mind was awake and clear. I saw beautiful things; just in the dried paint on a door I saw a forest with the head of a woman in the sky, and fairies were flying around it and twinkling.

I talked a little more to my boyfriend, but around 10 hours, I felt like I just wanted to sleep. The whole night I had had E chomp, and I could feel my jaw slightly aching. I was very nervous about going to sleep because I didn't want to stop drinking water. The whole comedown wasn't really all that bad though; I didn't feel depressed or horrible, just a little anxious like I wanted something and it wasn't there. (I was very thankful due to bad comedowns on E.) Eventually I closed my eyes and managed to go to sleep.

This morning it was weird because my boyfriend and I woke up at the exact same time. I feel great; I've had depression and anxiety for a while and I feel like it's gone. I notice little things I didn't before. Colors seem brighter, details are sharper, and my mindset is just all together good. I really liked my experience, and I'm glad I tried it. This is a surprise for me, since I'm a very nervous person about drugs (especially hallucinogens) and I don't even enjoy smoking weed as much anymore. I don't feel any want for it today, so I don't really think it's an addicting drug, but I do plan on trying it at least once more if never again after that.

Note: I know my dose seems low, and both my boyfriend and some of his friends remarked they didn't think it would even work. I think people weighing lighter than 150 lbs. should be careful about their dosage due to body weight differences. 30 mg for me was a very enjoyable experience, and I don't think I'd go too much higher. I might try 40 or 50 next time, because I think it'll help me puke easier, but if you're smaller, just take caution. I'm glad I listened to myself in the end.

[Erowid Note: 35mg should not be considered an extremely low dose, for some people this dose of AMT can be quite strong.]

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 20347
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 12, 2003Views: 12,119
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AMT (7) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2), General (1)

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