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Dangers of Driving
Amphetamines (Adderall)
by Joe
Citation:   Joe. "Dangers of Driving: An Experience with Amphetamines (Adderall) (exp20352)". Jul 9, 2022.

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60 mg oral Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
  30 mg oral Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
  30 mg oral Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
  30 mg oral Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
Well, all this shit started in about 2 years ago. At the time I about 14 (I dont exactly remember). I had just moved from a big city to the country. I was still kinda pissed at my parents for the move because all my friends were in the city. I think I was in the 7th grade at the time. About half of the school year went by and I had met a kid who was heavy into pot. Eventually he presuaded me to try it with him. So, I tried and liked it. I soon went through alot of different kinds of weed from ditch to hash. I tried a little white and black opium and a few pills here and there(most of which,did nothing but put me to sleep). I had plenty of 'drugie' friends and one day a buddy asked me if I wanted to try some pills.

At the time I said sure because I figured they wouldnt do anthing but what the hell. They were pink round ovalish pills that said either 20 or 30 on them. That of course meant how many mg the pill contained. My buddy told me to take about 2 30mg pills and see if I felt anything. So I did, and felt nothing. So he told me to take another 30. Once again,nothing. By this time I was ready to give up on them, but he told me to take one more 30. I was up to 120mg and I hadnt felt shit. I sat at my computer looking at this site, what a coinsidence, and talking on the phone to my girlfriend. After about 30 minutes, I noticed the upper half of my body was kinda cold but my lower half was fairly warm. I didnt think much of it, so I just went and got a blanket. In about the next 5 minutes the 'high' finally hit me, and man did it hit me. I felt like I was on top of the world. While sitting in the chair, explaining the expirience to my girlfriend(who by the way, was into pot and a little expirimenting), and all of a sudden I felt like I was floating. I dropped the phone and started slowly walking through my house but I felt like I was flying. Luckfully, my mom was gone cuz I was really fucked up. My teeth were clenched, my legs felt kinda weak, and I was really thirsty. I ran about the house for about 5 minutes(which I would not advise because of dehydration,which is a total bitch!).

I ended up taking another 30 as I felt my high was going to wear down. During this I had a really freaky expirience where I went totally numb and was out of it while being fully awake. My high lasted another 3 or 4 good hours. I didnt sleep at all that night. The day after I felt like crap but I didnt regret it a bit. I was really dehydrated and all I wanted to do was go to sleep but I couldnt. My heart rate didnt decrease till about noon. I didnt try the stuff for about another year.

Although I did try acid, marijuana that was laced with pcp, coke and tons of meth with one of my friends. The same buddy offered me some more amphetamine or addarol or wutever, and of course I took it. I used it every weekend for a month or 2. Oh and by the way, if you're ever gonna take a form of amphetamine, take it on a friday or saturday night, cuz it sucks goin to school dehydrated. During the summer I would take it and stay up for days (also known as a drive).
During the summer I would take it and stay up for days (also known as a drive).
I figured out that I could crush the pills and snort them which makes you feel the affects alot faster. It was all pretty fun except for the last and final week that I would ever go on a drive again. I had been goin strong for about 6 or so days. I was on the shit the whole time. I was high pretty much every day of course too. I had enough of the shit to go for another week. But on the 6th night I went out with one of my friends. We got high, had lots of fun, but I noticed that I was really thirsty. I told my friend to drive to a conveince store but he was way to high to drive. I managed to go another hour without a drink but finally the dehydration got to me. I passed out and didnt wake up for about 30 minutes to an hour. When I awoke, my friend was sitting there above me yelling at me to get up. He was afraid I was overdosing or some shit. I think I had him so scared he coulda pissed his pants and not even of known. I didnt do a single bit more that summer. I was feeling the after affects of that drive for about 4 days and it was pure hell. I've only done it about 4 times since then so obviously I didnt regret tryin the shit but I would advise young expirimenters to not do any drug excessivly and always read about the drug and learn its risks before you do it.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 20352
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 14
Published: Jul 9, 2022Views: 197
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