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P450 Inhibition: Unexpected Results
Citation:   Pointless. "P450 Inhibition: Unexpected Results: An Experience with Hydrocodone (exp20535)". Aug 8, 2005.

25 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
I don't know of any dangers that can be caused by eating food with P450 inhibition, but taking DXM or hydrocodone in combination with an inhibitor can cause drastically different effects on the body.

I have a so-called CYP2D6 'over-sufficiency.' When I take DXM, I have to take twice as much as a normal person to achieve normal effects. 15 mg of hydrocodone produces threshold effects. The following is my second experience with hydrocodone.

In the morning, I drank a cup of grapefruit juice. I drank another when I got home from school. From 5:00 PM until 7:30 PM, I drank 3 more quarts of grapefruit juice. At 6:00, I ate a bowl of pasta. At 7:05, I took 20 mg of hydrocodone (with 1.5 g acetaminophen), and I listened to music and waited. Oddly, I experienced nothing. I blame the pasta that I ate and the fact that I was so full to my stomach on grapefruit juice that I was ill.

At 8:30, I extracted the acetaminophen from 25 mg hydrocodone with the hot/cold water extraction, and I drank that. By 9:00, I was started to feel a little stoned. A bit of cool air passed through my body. I was a slightly intoxicated, and I had trouble walking completely straight. After this, the effects became strange and unprecedented. I became _extremely_ tired, so much that I could barely hold my eyes open. I decided to get up and eat because I was very hungry. I took a handful of popcorn and ate it. I enjoyed eating that popcorn very much. I actually had the 'munchies' while on an opiate. I ate half a bag of popcorn and some fruit snacks. After that, I started talking on the internet. Ironically, I was talking to someone about how I wasn't nauseous. Then I became nauseous, so I lay down on my bed, and I felt a lot better. I went out of my room and watched TV. I almost fell asleep when my mom came home. I didn't really talk to her, just grunted. It was 10:00. That's when I went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up at 6:30 AM hung over. I was still intoxicated, and I had trouble urinating. Eventually, I succeeded, and my urine was dark. Although it was probably just from chugging 3 quarts of sugary grapefruit juice. I went back to bed and woke up again at 10:00 AM, and I took a huge piss. I felt fine from then on.

In conclusion, the P450 inhibition caused strange and unwanted effects while taking hydrocodone. I suspect that they would have been more powerful if I had been on an empty stomach. I don't want to do this again, but if I did, I would fast 8 hours before dosing, and I wouldn't drink anything but grapefruit juice until an hour beforehand. At that point (T -1:00), any more grapefruit juice would probably inhibit the effects of the drug rather than potentiate them because grapefruit juice fills up one's stomach. If I combine a P450 inhibitor with DXM, the closer to the time of dosage that I take the inhibitor, the more powerful the DXM will be. I wasn't taking any prescriptions or herbs at the time of the experience.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 20535
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 8, 2005Views: 1,432
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Hydrocodone (111) : Combinations (3), General (1), Alone (16)

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