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In and Out of Reality
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   Hawilli. "In and Out of Reality: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp2058)". Jun 24, 2000.

15 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
Having read on the net and elsewhere about the medicinal properties of morning glory seeds, I decided to begin experimenting with them. I searched many a department, grocery, and hardware store in search of the magical mystery seed and managed to come up with quite a few packages of the Heavenly Blue variety. I attempted to trip on these several times, but never got particularly strong effects. I purchased a peppermill to grind them up and attempted the alcohol extraction method. This worked ok, but there was some nausea and the trip was nothing like I had anticipated. On another occasion, I simply chewed up a goodly dose, but got similar effects. So I gave up on these seeds for a while since school was kicking in and I was getting stoned every night anyway.

After the semester was over I again wished to try my fate with Morning Glory seeds. I mail-ordered some seeds since it was too late in the season to get them in the store. Also I hoped that the nausea previously experienced was due to a pesticide on the store-bought seeds and therefore would be absent on the mail-ordered ones.

Morning glory seeds don't have a very strong flavor, even when chewed. Neverthess, I had developed a strong hatred of the taste of the seeds due to my earlier experiments with them so I bought a bottle of vitamin C capsules to empty out and put the seed powder in. My friend Dan and I began to grind the seeds with my trusty peppermill. Morning glory seeds are very hard and it is exceedingly tedious and difficult to grind them in this manner, so Dan explored several alternative methods of seed pulverizing. None worked out, so we continued with the peppermill. Ever industrious, Dan put a 'cheater' bar on the peppermill to increase our torque-power. SNAP--the bar on the peppermill broke off and we were without any means of grinding, so off to Wally-World we went to get a new one. Dan was still unhappy with the peppermill idea, so we located an electric coffee grinder that was only about 50% more expensive than the peppermill.

As it turned out, this little wonder was capable of quite a bit more than our previous unit. It was effortless, but more importantly it ground the seeds into an extremely fine powder. The peppermill had done little more than break the seeds up, and I suspect my chewing of them did much the same. The ramifications of this eluded me completely. I powdered about 48 grams of seed and planned for each of us to get 12 grams. I had done this dose before, so I thought it was no big deal. Hmm. We filled 90 capsules leaving around 3 of the 48 grams. I decided that we should go ahead and take all of them, even though it would be a dose of about 15 grams each. Again I thought that it was no big deal since it was little more than my previous doses. Boy, was I wrong.

We dosed at about 6:30 pm. We put a videotape of a football game on and then we each rapidly swallowed our 30 pills. I took a Dramamine to prevent nausea. (As a side note, a friend suggested using something else because Dramamine causes drowsiness. As it turned out, drowsiness was not a problem at all.) Later on we discovered the psychological impact the 30 pills had on Dan.

Dan was wanting us to decide what we were going to do and where we were going to go after the football game was over. I underestimated the importance of this (again due to my previous experiments) and so pretty much brushed the idea off, figuring we would do just whatever came up. The game went on, and I noticed some minor visual effects but little physical 'buzz'. We smoked half a joint because the others were feeling a little nausea. Oddly, I didn't feel stoned at all, really. If anything, I felt like my mind had cleared up. I felt very lucid. On retrospect, I realize that the MG effects were already kicking in and were responsible for this odd stoning. I wanted to smoke the rest of the joint, but Bob wanted to save it saying that it would be a long night. Bob had not eaten very close to the time we swallowed the pills (Dan and I had) and so was getting the effects quicker (although we didn't know this at the time).

The game ended and we sat around a bit. Dan and I still weren't feeling much, although Bob acted as if he were. I was being apologetic about the lack of effects to the others. We decided to go to a friends house, since we couldn't stay at Dan's house very late. It was around 9 pm. Without any difficulty, we cruised over to his house. Once there, we proceeded to smoke several joints. My memory of being there is pretty vague. I think I was mostly waiting in anticipation for the MG effects. We stayed through an entire CD which I don't remember too much about.

Eventually I noticed that Dan was starting to look a little bad. He was sweating and looking really anxious. He went outside to sit in the cool air and a friend of ours, Jack, went to sit with him. Jack then told us that he was taking Dan home. Bob and I were too far gone to realize what this meant immediately. A few minutes later, it dawned on us that Dan was having a rough time and that we shouldn't have become separated. We decided that we had to go find him. So we hopped in the car and went.

Now if the previous events didn't show how far we were gone, the fact that I was driving certainly did. I never drive when drinking, and rarely drive while stoned. I certainly wouldn't have gone driving after dosing on the MG seeds if I had been in my right mind.

Well, well. We got out on the 'main' road which I immediately decided was too 'main', so I took the first side road I could. I then preceded to get lost. Neither Bob nor I could tell which way to go. I couldn't tell which was north, south, east, or west (not too mention whether it was night or day). I would see occasional street signs which meant nothing to me. And then a car pulled behind us. I have never in my life experienced such intense and clear-headed paranoia. I was almost certain it was a cop behind us. I watched the car nervously as I darted through the streets, becoming more and more lost. Bob later said that he was so paranoid that he couldn't turn his head no matter what to look at the car behind us. He was very nervous about the way I was driving and muttered 'You take care of your own driving and ignore the car behind us.' Fortunately I noticed that the car's lights looked like a Mustang, so I was a little relieved (although not completely) since we don't have cops in Mustangs here. We ended up staying on some road that didn't seem to be approaching the city. I eventually had enough sense to turn around. Bob still thought the car was behind us and freaked a little when I turned around.

In a few minutes, we made it back into town and were close to Dan's house. I was still very worried about the Dan situation. We got to the house without further difficulty. But Dan was not there. I began to worry that he might have freaked and gone to the hospital, or worse that he had committed suicide or something. Bob thoughtfully informed me that I would be guilty of manslaughter in that case. I began to worry about this too. For several minutes I tried to figure out what we should do. Bob later said that I was mentally going 90 miles an hour, and darting from room to room. He asked me to write down our options because he couldn't keep up with what I was saying. I tried this, but it didn't work out at all. I was worried to death about the situation. Finally we decided that we had to go back over to James's no matter what to track down Dan. So, amazingly, we got back in the car and drove back over to the friend's house. This time I chose the pretty much direct route, even though I still had trouble figuring out where to go. But we made it ok.

The others were still there, and Jack had made it back. But no Dan. Jack said that he had taken Dan home, so we began another worry-fest. Since there was no phone we decided that we might as well go to Bob's and my house. I didn't want to drive anymore, so another friend of ours took us home. At home, we called Dan's house and Dan and his wife were actually there. It turned out that he had gone out driving (!) when we were at his house, but he was with his wife now and was feeling ok. About this time, our other roommate made it home and we smoked some more pot. Not 20 minutes later, Dan's wife brought him over to our house because he was whigging. We all congregated in the living room. He lay on the couch, holding his wife and began telling us what was going through his mind.

In a sense, we had gone into this trip with a weird mind set. We had been exploring the concept of reality for a few weeks before this day. Now the whole thing came back in full force. Dan said that he couldn't tell what was real. I suppose that in the same way people can share hallucinations while tripping, we shared this insanity. We thought we were losing our minds. Part of the time I would be completely lost and then Dan would say something that sounded familiar and I would have a grip on reality. The trip had a weird 'wavey' effect that I had not heard about before. Many times I would feel relief thinking 'finally, back to reality. Man that was intense.' But soon I would be again spiraling into insanity. This was why Dan had been ok when we called. One thing that apparently acted in our favor was our peaks seemed to be non-synchronized. That is when one person was whigging, at least one of the others was mostly sane.

Bob and I tried to comfort Dan, but I was afraid that he knew that I was just telling him what he wanted to hear. He was questioning nearly everything about reality he thought of. I tried to comfort him by telling him that it would be over soon, but he said that time had no meaning. This sent me spinning, since I couldn't dispute that. He was wanting to go to the hospital to be put to sleep, and I actually wanted to too. Really, I wanted any authority figure to come and save me. I was willing to accept almost any religion at that point (I am borderline atheist). But I kept quiet since I knew that it would not be a good thing to say any of this. Bob tried to convince Dan that going to the hospital would be a bad thing, and Dan seemed to realize this. He was able to lock onto his wife as a stable reality point and things got better after that. We stayed in there a couple of hours. I was in and out of reality, but the anxiety that had been plaguing us largely left. I was still so paranoid that something bad might happen that I flushed the remainder of the MG seeds down the toilet. At one point I heard voices (whispers) coming from a heater. I had enough sense to know that it was a hallucination. I suspected that it was merely the sound of the tv bouncing off the heater's reflector and becoming garbled in the process. Also, during the really intense peaks, the walls would shift around madly.

Eventually Dan went home and I actually enjoyed part of the trip. Dan later called, feeling better. He enjoyed part of it too, as did Bob. He later told me that he saw in his mind a brilliant kaleidoscope that he had heard others speak of.

I went to bed pretty soon after. It was around 3 am. As near as I can tell, I reached max peak around 1 or so. It was hard to go to sleep. The next morning I awakened quite abrubtly at about 9. I was completely awake and felt good. I went to check on Bob and he too snapped awake. We called Dan and pretty much the same thing happened.

I was still feeling some effects of the seeds 24 hours after the drop. The next couple of days I felt really good and somewhat happy. I can bring back some of the sensation of the insanity part by just thinking about what I was thinking about then. It has been over a week. Dan said that he had a minor flashback. I think it is tied in with the nausea. Nausea/anxiety seem to be closely related in the mind which makes me think that is why Dan had such a hard time with it. He gets very anxious and freaky at times anyway.

I don't know if I will do these again or not. It was unbelievably intense. If I do it again, I will take only 8 grams or so and will probably attempt the alcohol extraction to reduce the number of pills to eat and hopefully the nausea. I really didn't feel much nausea, though. The Dramamine no doubt helped. I think the nausea that I did feel caused much of the negative feelings in the trip. That would certainly explain Dan's hard time with it. He actually puked once. The nausea was certainly much less than I had experienced before.

At least we didn't have the regret that we hadn't taken enough. The last couple of days I have been questioning my sanity, but I had done that before the trip. Lately, however, I start to worry about my sanity, which starts a bit of a panic response which makes me feel weird, thus in turn intensifying the feeling that I am losing my mind. Luckily I realized that this is what is happening. I have been just making myself mentally ill by worrying about whether or not I am mentally ill. I am quite a bit of a hypochondriac anyway. It certainly makes sense.)

Oh well. If anyone decides to do this, be real careful. I would definitely recommend mail-ordering seeds to prevent the nausea as much as possible. And definitely only do about 8 grams on the first dose. I realize that we broke most of the rules of acid on our little endeavor, so keep those in mind as well. I would not recommend a non experienced tripper do this at all.

P.S. It's been over three weeks since this happened. I feel very sane now :). Bob thought it was pretty funny that I was questioning my sanity and yet wrote a description of the experience from memory that was if anything overly straightforward and logical.

Exp Year: ExpID: 2058
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 24, 2000Views: 109,203
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Morning Glory (38) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5)

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