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Spit It Out
Citation:   Raoul. "Spit It Out: An Experience with Alcohol (exp20616)". Oct 2, 2004.

  oral Alcohol (liquid)
For several months, I had been having problems with my brother and the way he was acting, mostly toward other members of the family. He and I have always been the absolute closest, but shortly after his marriage, he started retreating away from the family and began to act annoyed, arrogant, and selfish toward me and my wife. I knew that I needed to talk with him about it, but I also knew that he wasn't one to talk very much.

So I knew that this would call for ethanol. I invited him out to the local tavern and we sat and I started the conversation. I told him all the grievances that we (the other members of the family and I) had about him and his wife. He didn't say a word. He sat and clenched his jaw and looked away. Soon, our beer came and we started drinking. I knew he was frustrated with all of it, but it had to end before something worse happened.

He finished his beer and didn't want anything else. I asked if perhaps he would like some Southern Comfort, and he said, 'Sure!' So I ordered some single-malt Scotch for myself and the Southern Comfort for him, and the night went on. After about two of his drinks, he finally started to let it out. He had his list of grievances, too, and I was ready to hear them. He was frustrated and angry about so many things, but didn't see a way out.

He had never spoken like this before. When he finished, I told him that I would do everything I could to fix my end of the problem and that he should take care of his. He agreed to do whatever it took to solve the problems.

He rarely comes out and says what he thinks, but when he does, it always makes things better. I am so grateful to have a brother like him, and you can imagine what horrible things happen when somebody that close begins to slip away. I was fortunate that he was in a drinking mood that night, as the Southern Comfort really loosened his lips. He was able to tell me everything right to my face and was not ashamed to say it. He had some bad things to say, but when they came out, we were one step closer to being reconciled.

When it was all done, we hopped in the car, I lit up a smoke and then we listened to the Zombies for a couple songs and then I dropped him off at his place. I went home, forgot to drink water, talked it all over with my wife, and then went to sleep. I had one of the worst headaches in the world and I had to work all day that day.

In the end though, all the family matters have been handled, we are together frequently and there are no hard feelings, now that it is all in the open. My brother's a great guy. He's quiet and shy and that can cause problems, but nothing that ethanol can't help with.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 20616
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 2, 2004Views: 16,031
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Alcohol (61) : Families (41), Club / Bar (25)

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