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Quick and Dramatic Mood Change
by EEP
Citation:   EEP. "Quick and Dramatic Mood Change: An Experience with Caffeine (exp20693)". Mar 8, 2018.

1 cup oral Caffeine (liquid)

I am not physically addicted to caffeine-- I can concentrate without it, and I don't get headaches. But, I almost always have a cup of coffee in the morning, so I guess I am psychologically addicted.

I slept 6 hours last night and didn't have breakfast this morning, which meant no caffiene. I somehow stayed awake through my first class, then got a cup of coffee before my next class (a philosophy class). I waited about half an hour for it to cool. During this half hour I was bored and irritable. I thought the other students' comments were stupid and so I spaced out for a while. Then I remembered that I had coffee and drank half the cup in about a minute. Pretty quickly, a couple things happened. First, I noticed that the sun was shining brightly through a window across from me, and that made me really happy. Then, the professor started talking and said some amazing things (including a statement about the 'myth of the state' in which he compared George Bush Jr. to Hitler), and I started paying attention then. Other students' comments became more interesting and I started participating in the conversation.

When I thought about it later today, I was really amazed by how quickly and dramatically my mood had changed. I was caustic and grumpy one minute and then relaxed and enjoying myself the next. I know that I am addicted to coffee but, since it makes me not just happier but a more pleasant person to be around, I don't think that's a problem.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 20693
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 8, 2018Views: 2,393
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Caffeine (11) : General (1), Addiction & Habituation (10), Performance Enhancement (50), School (35)

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