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Very Intense
Citation:   anonymous. "Very Intense: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp20868)". Mar 4, 2004.

1 hit smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
I had the pleasure of trying 5-MeO DMT the other day. Having read several other reports, I went into this experience with much caution. A scale with the precision required to properly dose myself was not available, so the dose was just eyeballed. My guess is that it was 3-4 mg of powder. The powder was freebased on aluminum foil, and inhaled through a hollowed out pen. Yes, it was ghetto, but it did the trick.

I was a bit skeptical that this small amount of substance could do anything, especially after watching the tiny amount of smoke exhale from my lips. I had time to place the lighter down, but that was about it. Just as I thought nothing would happen, I glanced at the ceiling. The ceiling began to dissolve, and I was rocketed towards it. Strangely, it was exactly what I was expecting.

The intoxication felt very strange, and I could hear my heart beat very rapidly. I think this was a result of the intense peaking. While I could feel my heart beat, it felt as though it was a seperate entity from my body. I, in whatever form I existed at this point, was simply existing in this foreign universe. The visuals, the mental effects, are far greater than I could ever begin to explain. In what felt like seconds, I was shot back into reality.

The coming down had a very heavy body load associated with it. I was seeing quite a bit of trails and visual distortions. There was a slight nausea associated with it, but it was calming knowing that I was 'over the hump.' Glancing at the clock, about 10 minutes had passed in what only felt like one minute. The effects faded, and after about an hour I was back to baseline.

Looking back, 5-MeO DMT is an interesting drug. I've had wonderful experiences in the past with Mushrooms, LSD, and MDMA where I have really grown as an individual. While under the influence of those substances, I have had time to really explore and be introspective. I don't think that 5-MeO DMT is a drug of that class. Unfortunately, the experience is too breif and too intense to really gain anything.

Some people report traveling to foreign universes and experiencing bliss. Shulgin even reported one dose as a ++++ experience. I feel however that whatever can be gained from this is simply a temporary enjoyment, and will not really help the user much after the effects have faded.

The one thing that I have gained is a respect for this substance. Having not been prepared would have definitely been a terrifying situation. It will also help my future experiments with other drugs seem not as intense in comparison.

5-MeO-DMT is not for the weak, or the anxious. It isn't for the psychonaut who is looking to gain a lot about themselves either. Instead, look at it as a chemical rollercoaster. Pay your admission, hop on, and then get off when the ride has come to a complete stop.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 20868
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 4, 2004Views: 7,888
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