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Daily Use
Citation:   Moody. "Daily Use: An Experience with LSD (exp20972)". Mar 12, 2003.

  drops oral LSD (daily)
After reading countless reports of LSD induced trauma and mind warping, I feel obligated to recount MY experiences with LSD.

Back in around grade 11 (17 years old) I started becoming more interested in drugs other than weed and alcohol. Most of my friends had tried acid and seemed fine. Despite the horror stories (people clawing out their eyes or scratching their arms off etc) I decided to get my hands on some.

So, I went to my long term friend, had a chat with him and ended up leaving his house with a sheet of 250 hits of acid. I got a sheet because this way, each hit cost 50 cents and I could sell each one for 5 dollars. Anyways, on with the experiences.

I first tried half a hit at school. I did it without telling anybody. I met up with my friend after school (I went to a private school so we always met up after) and told him how I felt. I felt fine. A little edgy, pupils dilated, and slightly sick. The sick feeling was 'gut-rot' that people sometimes get after taking acid -- and it wasn't that bad at all.

Soon enough, I was doing acid at school, by myself, each day. My dose would increase throughout the week so that I always had the same buzz. It seemed that if I did half a tab on Monday, that on Tuesday, I would need a full tab to experience what I felt on Monday. By Friday I would be up to 3 or 4 tabs at most. I wouldn't do it on Sundays and rarely did it on Saturdays. This went on for about 5 months. You can do the math, but, despite the way you look at it, that is a hell of allot of acid!

Now, I wasn't doing this to get high. My grades shot WAY up and I was able to pay attention in class much more effectively. Each day I would wake up, eat breakfeat, and with my mug of coffee, wash down a hit or two of acid. At lunch, I would go to the library and study and eat my sandwiches in an isolated cublicle. My mind was so clear and learning was much much easier.

Most days, I felt fine. However, occasionally, I would come to school feeling absolutely horrible. And I mean horrible. My digestive system would be in absolute turmoil and I had no mental or physical capacity to do anything. I just felt totally burnt out: my eyes would be bloodshot and my skin would be very pale.

At about the 5 month mark, I fell ill with pneumonia. I was extremely sick and bedridden for almost a month. I attribute this to being run down by the effects of the LSD. Essentially, my mind was in over-drive for 5 months. I decided to quite acid. Once I had returned to school, my marks dropped and I went back to my usual bored self. Teachers were concerned as were my parents. It is funny that they only became concerned after all this had happened. To this day however, I still have not touched any illegal substance.

Throughout this time, I never once saw anything --- only 'tracers' like when you had looked at a bright light and closed your eyes. Years later (well not too many), I am doing fine. I graduated from a top university in economics and am now going to start my masters in finance. So obviously my little experience hasn't had any effects on my brain.

I think that the effects of using this drug are overated and blown out of proportion. Hope this is usefull to somebody.

Exp Year: 1996ExpID: 20972
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2003Views: 17,441
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LSD (2) : School (35), Health Problems (27), General (1)

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