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I Absolutely LOVED the Numb Feeling
Citation:   jisayla. "I Absolutely LOVED the Numb Feeling: An Experience with Cocaine (exp21072)". Mar 10, 2020.

2 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
  3 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
First Time Trying Coke

At the beginning of the night that I first tried cocaine, never would I have thought that I'd be doing it. For one thing, I never thought it would be available to me, and I also didn't think I'd ever have the guts to do it, and if I did, it would be when I was much older. (I'm 17) It all started when me and my friend Jamie were really bored on a hot summer's night. It was like 1:00am and we had done NOTHING all night. So we both came back to my house and got on instant messenger to see if anyone was on who wanted to do something. Luckily, 2 of my friends (that I had not known that long) were online and both of them were bored also and wanted to do something. My one friend, D, said he had something white and it was strong and asked me if I was down to try it. Me being the idiot that I am, thought he was talking about White Rhino or some other kind of pot with madd crystals on it. So of course I was like hell yea I'll try it. So Jamie and I left and walked up the street waiting for them to come pick us up. We went to this house not very far from mine where some people that I didn't know lived.

My friend..let's call her B, had told me that earlier that night she had tried coke and really liked it. She has really high tolerance for drugs and told me that she did 7 lines in 45 minutes. (not that I really knew what that meant..ha) Meanwhile, the older people at the house were going upstairs to the 3rd floor. My friend B was whining about how she wanted more coke so I guessed that that's what they were doing upstairs. Eventually, D came downstairs and said 'are you guys comin?' So we went upstairs to see about 10 people standing around and a table with a VCR on top of it and a bunch of coke that D was separating into lines. Everyone around me did some lines. Then D asked me if I was tryin to do some. I looked at B uncertain and said 'should I try it?' and she goes 'I don't care dude, it's up to you' So I figured what the fuck might as well.

So I did a big line, then another one. I didn't really feel fucked up, I just felt like my heart rate went up and I was just in the mood to go up and talk to people. I went over and talked to my friend J who was standing in another room and said he felt sick from doing it. I remember going up to Jamie and saying 'this is such a good feeling!' I absolutely LOVED the numb feeling I got in my teeth and gums. That's the best. Then we were in the hallway, Jamie, D, B and myself and we were just talking about stupid shit. Apparently me, D and B were talking a mile a minute, although to me it seemed like we were talking perfectly normal. I was all bubbly and walked all over the house talking to everyone and smiling.

Eventually, me, Jamie, D, B, and J left. We took Jamie home. The rest of us 4 all went to a pull-off on a backroad and did some more coke. I did about 3 more lines. I was feeling really antsy and wanted to do more than just sit there in the car. B and D got out of the car and talked while me and J just sat there in the front seats talking and talking and talking. We talked a lot about Tupac and the whole Makaveli is he alive or dead thing, and just about music and what we wanted to do with our lives. Without the coke I'm sure we would have never talked that much. Since then I haven't had the chance to do coke but I am looking forward to doing it again someday. I can see where coke could be addicting, but it's so expensive and I think I'll try to limit myself to doing it once in a while. Overall, I think cocaine is a good drug as long as I don't let it control my life.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 21072
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Mar 10, 2020Views: 971
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Cocaine (13) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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