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They Say Third Times a Charm
Morning Glory
Citation:   s0nic. "They Say Third Times a Charm: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp21088)". May 17, 2018.

200 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
    oral Vitamin C (liquid)
Third time with those morning glorys

I have done morning glory 3 times now.....first time I do not think I washed the seeds properly (heavenly blue) as I had only symptoms of nausea and a mild acid like buzz...the second time I tried a mixed variety seed pack and felt NO effects..

They say third times a charm and it was. I purchased some Heavenly Blue seeds and washed them thourghly. I cut the seeds up and chased them down with some orange juice and waited for the effects.

Fifteen minutes into the trip I felt a change already. I felt just strange. 45 minutes later I felt as if my whole body was heavy or possesed. I felt this way for some time untill maybe an hour had passed and wow I was high. All in all it was a MILD acid like high consisting of the chemical part not the mind screw of LSD. BTW the whole experience lasted about 6 hours which is a great amount of time.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21088
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 17, 2018Views: 1,093
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