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Nutmeg, Yum!
Citation:   R. Dog. "Nutmeg, Yum!: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp2125)". Jun 26, 2000.

4 Tbsp oral Nutmeg
I have tried a few drugs, and when i read about eating nutmeg to get high, I suddenly had delusions of a cheaper, more readily avaible acid substatue. man, how can i explain my disapointment? A friend and myself each took our dose of nutmeg on friday at around 12:35, and i went to class soon after, we experienced nothing for around 4 hours, when we started getting a slight body buzz, my partner mentioned a numbness in her arms. I took another dose at around 5, which totaled to equal about 4 tablespoons for me, truly nasty tasting stuff i have to admit!! My memory is a little fuzzy looking back, today being only the day after, but i drank a few beers with some friends, feeling a little dizzy, like I had smoked about an ounce of weed to myself, this strange buzz continued to grow very gradually, but never increased it's pleasantnes, it was very prevelant, but not in a good or bad way, almost like having an annoying high. Well, I proceeded to smoke a bowl with my roomate, and this literally knocked me on my ass, i fell alseep within an hour, and i woke up this morning feeling like I had been in a brawl with the entire state of NY. It was hard to concentrate on anything, and hopefully it goes away, but overall Nutmeg turned out to be a drug for the very curious or very desperate. I don't recommend this drug to anyone unless they have another enebriation technique for getting the body to feel good too, maybe E, or some other combination would perfect Nutmeg, but I don't think i will ever want to try to find out, not worth it!

Exp Year: ExpID: 2125
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2000Views: 3,000
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