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All I Knew Was Wrong
Salvia divinorum (6x extract)
Citation:   Trebor Onamor. "All I Knew Was Wrong: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (6x extract) (exp2162)". Jun 26, 2000.

0.2 g smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
Wow. I packed about one bowl of 6X Salvia A-enhanced Extract into my 2 foot bong and began to hit it. By the time I had finished the bowl (wasting much of the salvia because I was unaware of the amount that could be saved by holding it in my lungs) I was simply feeling a little wierd. I felt cheated becuase I had paid $45 for one gram of this stuff, and I just felt a weird feeling.

Well, I was sitting in my friend Doug's bedroom on a couch, with my girlfriend Nicole with me, and they were asking me all these question about how I felt. I just kept trying to explain how it was so UNextraordinary. My setting was nice and relaxing and safe, I wasn't worried, and my mindset was wonderful. I really wanted to explore some new reality, to venture into uncharted regions of my conscious. So, there I was, waiting. Explaining the UNeffectiveness of the salvia was getting difficult, I realized. And then BOOM! I was sideways and I was looking at my friends, who were staring at me. They were probably waiting for an answer from me to a question they had asked. A felt a very strong but not frightening pressure holding me down. I could sit up, but not lie down. It wouldn't let me. The music in the background was Tool, and it was scaring me a little.

I had a realization all of a sudden. Doug and Nicope were my legs, and my entire life had been a misconception on my part. How foolish of me not to see this sooner! Everything I saw, except for my friends, was flat blue and sideways. I couldn't move my lower jaw to talk and my mind was racing at the newfound reality I was in. They were my legs. It hurt at a very basic level. To me that fact that my legs were not my own anymore was true, truer than anything else. I was mystified and frightened. The wierdest part was that even though they (my friends) were repeatedly answering my questions (such as 'who am I' and 'where am I?') correctly, and even though they kept saying 'You smoked Salvia, everything's alright' I did not comprehend that I had just smoked anything. I thought that this was a natural thought process, that I really had just discovered the secret of my legs. That part was scary: not knowing that it would ever end. I actually could not grasp the idea that I was on a drug, I just thought that reality had unmasked itself to me.

I came out of the trip and they both bombarded me with questions. I tried to explain but I was too profoundly effected by the drug. I had too much to think about, and the trip had only been about 5 minutes long. My sense of time during my trip was TOTALLY out the window. I probably couldn't comprehend time if you had explained it to me at that time during my trip, either.

So, I tried it again after about ten minutes of contemplation. This time I smoked about 1/5 of a gram again.

Immediately I was back in a state of total confusion and alternate reality and consciousness. I don't remember anything from this trip, but I was told that I kept saying that I had to leave Doug's room, and they kept making me sit back down. I was oblivious to reality and everything else. I was INSANE. More insane than one hundred hits of acid would make me. I had done a lot of acid in my time, and that was not even a drug compared to salvia. This trip lasted about ten minutes, I was told, but I don't remember.

I tried salvia twice more that day. Both times were about six to ten hours after the first two trips, but these two times I had almost no effects. I felt a little wierd, but the rush never came. I guess I developed a tolerance or I simply did not cross the threshold on the last two attempts.

I had never been this unnerved by anything in my life. But I loved it. It is intriguing to me. I will do it again, definitely. Next time I do it, though, I will make the setting someowhat more calming (no Tool, even though I love Tool) and I will be more mentally prepared.

Also, the feelings after I came out of this INSANE state of mind were great. The whole day I felt nice and peaceful. It was the smoothest comedown and most pleasant after-effects of anything I've done. You rush out of the insanity, and then an afterglow is with you for a while. Also, I smoked a bong of marijauna about twenty minutes after my second experience and it made me feel great. The high I got from the pot was very enjoyable.

Just one word to the wise: ALWAYS USE A SITTER! If I didn't have one I might have done anything....The thing is, I DON'T KNOW. It was INSANE. I had no control over my body or mind at all. Don't do salvia without prior experience with other hallucinogens/entheogens, also. While this experience was nothing like LSD or Mushrooms or anything else under the sun, at least those other experiences were under my belt before this supersonic voyage through time, space, and reality.

And be prepared to sweat, too. Have a glass of H20 ready!
And lie down before it hits you.
And don't underestimate. Just wait a few minutes and relax. I began to think it was crap, and then it hit me like a freight train.

Exp Year: ExpID: 2162
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2000Views: 5,025
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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