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Too Incredibly High for Comfort
by Tuto
Citation:   Tuto. "Too Incredibly High for Comfort: An Experience with Cannabis (exp21645)". Jan 4, 2021.

.5 oz smoked Cannabis (plant material)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
It all started when my friend purchased an ounce. I wanted some too so I split the cost. I got my share and he got his. We went to see a local high school band that plays hippyish music. I decided that I wanted to smoke out before I went in. I never smoke alone but my friend didn't want to. After I talked him into staying outside with me and greenhousing in his car I smoked a couple buds.

For some reason it didn't hit me as fast as I expected so I smoked more. After a couple more buds I just said screw it and went ahead and smoked the whole 1/2 oz. I was incredibly high before finishing but I didn't want to waste any.

After I was finished I went in and found it very hard to walk. Everyone seemed to me making funny faces and I couldn't understand anything that anyone said. I was going around and talking to everyone. Later my friend that was with me said that I was moving my mouth but nothing was coming out.

The band started to play a very stimulating song. I decided to shut my eyes and I felt like I was a drumstick in the drummers hand. I was moving at hundreds of miles per hour. It started to freak me out and I decided to open my eyes. I wasn't moving at all, infact I was laying on the ground looking up at the celing. I don't recal how I got there either.

After the show was over we decided to go to a friends house. At this point I was past the everything is funny stage and to the stage where I just want to sit there and think and stare into space. About halfway to the guys house I became incredibly nausea and started shaking uncontrollably. When we made it to the house I got out of the car and could not move. It was about 30 degrees outside and my friend was begging me to come inside so I wouldn't be out in the cold. I wouldn't budge.

After about 2 hours of laying outside, I tried to get up. As soon as I got up I started puking uncontrollably. After I had stopped I felt like I was fine. I decided to have a beer. As soon as the beer touched my lips I started puking again. After that I don't remember anything that happened.

When I awoke from my passed out/stoned off my ass state I was at a house that I didn't recognize right away. I was at my best friends house that I stay at every weekend. I decided to take a shower and try to get back to normal. This didn't work.....I couldn't tell how hot or cold the water was and it also felt like the water was going to knock me over.

I now know not to smoke that much of such good quality weed. I didn't think about it at teh time but that was only my 11th or 12th time to smoke.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21645
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 4, 2021Views: 507
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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