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Just Neutral
Tobacco (snuff)
Citation:   copenhagen. "Just Neutral: An Experience with Tobacco (snuff) (exp21646)". Mar 7, 2003.

  buccal Tobacco (plant material)
One day after school I was bored and decided to try my dad's tobacco snuff. This was closer to chewing tobacco than powder, and it didn't look like I could inhale it so I just stuck it in my mouth like chewing tobacco. There was a numbing/burning sensation at first but then it lessened until it was almost gone.

About five minutes later I got up to get something and I realized my legs felt funny, like relaxed with a slight loss of coordination. I also felt very slight light-headedness. I was totally calm, more than normal and especially compared to the nervousness I had felt a few minutes before at trying this stuff. No 'good' or happy feelings, just neutral. About ten minutes later I felt slightly nauseous until I spit the stuff out at the 15 minute mark. I lay down for a few minutes and for half an hour later there were lingering calming and appetite suppressing effects.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21646
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 7, 2003Views: 25,155
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Tobacco (47) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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