Not a Wink of Sleep
Citation:   capillaris. "Not a Wink of Sleep: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp21669)". Feb 28, 2003.

2 Tbsp oral Nutmeg (liquid)
When I was in my second year of college I was actively experimenting with substances and decided to give nutmeg a try.

Why nutmeg? It was available in my parents cupboard!

I had read about he effects of nutmeg and the relative doses/effects and thought I would try for a mild experience, mainly looking for stimulation.

I decided to brew it with coffee in the drip coffee maker. To the coffee grounds, I added 2 heaping tbs (probably 4 actual tbs). I brewed the coffee as normal. This precess extracted enough oils from the nutmeg that I could see it swirling on the surface of the coffee in my mug when I poured it up.

So, off I went into my bedroom to do some Calculus homework with my mug of nutmeg laced coffee.

I finished the first with no noticable effects and went for a second. As I finished the second mugfull, I suddenly fell a MASSIVE rush beginning in my lower abdomen that quickly moved all the way to the top of my head! I became VERY dizzy and disorientated (I think I hyperventilated a bit, too). I staggered down the hall and told my folks that I was headed for bed, while trying to hide how completely messed up and sick I felt. I lay in bed all night and got not a wink of sleep. Whether my eyes were open or closed, I saw flashes of lights.

I got up the next morning feeling completely worn out and hungover.

This was NOT a fun experience. I realize now that I had got more that I bargained for and a much larger dose of nutmeg than I had intended. I determined never, ever to play with nutmeg again.

Nutmeg is something that is so easy to get and obviously has major psychoactive/physiological properties. Why would they sell it in every grocery store?? The answer is that only desperation, ignorance, or stupidity would lead to it use and/or abuse. What was my reason? Clearly stupidity. Nutmeg is NOT a recommended substance for recreational use. I would strongly discourage its use other than in standard baking recipies and a sprinkle with eggnog.

Exp Year: 1988ExpID: 21669
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 28, 2003Views: 8,363
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