It was a Very Long Trip
Citation:   Lucida Animus. "It was a Very Long Trip: An Experience with AMT (exp21746)". Jan 26, 2008.

T+ 0:00
40 mg oral AMT (pill / tablet)
  T+ 23:00 2 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis  
This was my first experience with a tryptamine. I took 40 mg of AMT in a pill around 7 o'clock with the rest of a leftover sprite from taco bell. I don't think the pill went down smoothly because there wasn't that much sprite left, and I felt a burning sensation in my throat and upper chest region for about an hour until i finally got my hands on some water (i was riding in a car). I also wouldn't recommend eating taco bell before ingesting AMT. I didn't throw up but my stomach was very tense for a long time.

For the first couple hours I did not notice too much of a visual effect but felt slightly awkward with my movement and coordination. After smoking some hash I still was not having any visuals but i continued to feel slightly awkard. By the third and fourth hours i began to feel more and more awkward with my movement yet i was apparently moving fine. I was driven around a town for the next 2 hours while the visuals started to kick and i began to get slight tracers. The closed eye visuals were exceptionally brilliant with many snowflake looking creations spanning out in all directions with multicolored branchings.

At about 12:30 we parked in a parking garage so the driver could sleep. I closed my eyes and was fascinated by the cev's. One image was composed of a large amount 3d blocks that were fully rotational. I had another image or a bunch of people faces all in 3d and moving their mouths. The next image involved a rapid succesion of people that were drawn in the what appeared to be cartoon form or a cel-shaded style. It was after this I told the driver how awesome the visuals were, and he told me to open them and look around.

We were parked right next to a concrete wall, so I looked at it and it started bubbling in and out all along the length of the wall. The driver ended up passing out and i was left by myself for the peak of my trip. A continuous flow of thoughts began developing and i was not able to stop thinking. I began feeling really tense and restless. I tried going to sleep many times but to no avail. Every time i was about to fall asleep i would instantly recognize i was about to fall asleep and unconsciously jolt myself back into consciousness.

This left me with nothing to do but have silent introspection. I sat in the passenger seat for the next 8 hours thinking about anything and everything i could think about. Although i kept coming back to how much i would like to sleep and how uncomfortable the car was. It was pretty cold outside and i didn't want to go out there and walking around the downtown of this city did not seem too safe of a thing to do, so I continued thinking and thinking and thinking for 8 hours sitting almost motionless in a car. I nearly lost my mind so I would not recommend being in a confined space while on AMT.

By morning my thoughts stopped flowing so fast and the tension was released a bit, but my stomach hurt pretty badly and was upset for the next few hours. At about 8:30 we drove to a new city and met up with another friend. I smoked more hash about 11 i'd guess and this slightly reinduced a sense of awkwardness in my movements and a slight shift in my open eyed visuals. I continued to feel spacy for the rest of the day as we continued hanging out with people.

Towards 6 o'clock that night, i smoked two joints with a couple people we met up with, and we were watching a whole slew of birds out on this nature trail when i realized i was tripping again. A warped sense of reality came back to me and was furthur fueled by two more joints that i smoked with about 5 people. After the last two joints the cev's returned to me and i started seeing arrays of light intertwining everywhere. Shortly after though i passed out at about 8 o'clock. I was extremely exhausted after having been awake for 36 hours and having tripped for about 22 of them. I fell right asleep only to be woken up once to move to a more comfortable sleeping place and then didn't wak up until 8 the next morning. It was a very long trip.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21746
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 26, 2008Views: 7,008
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AMT (7) : Multi-Day Experience (13), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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