Dramatic Effects
Citation:   Anonymous. "Dramatic Effects: An Experience with 2C-B (exp2190)". Erowid.org. Jun 27, 2000. erowid.org/exp/2190

  oral 2C-B
Ah, the memories this brings back. I was at Reed in 1979, and bromo was plentiful and popular at Reed at that time. The descriptions of its effects that I've read on this board are, I would say, rather accurate. The effects are different, and more dramatic, than LSD.

At the time, it was usually sold in single dosages in clear gel capsules. I didn't snort it (I didn't care for the pain), but found the effects to be most effective when eating it as well. I ate 3 capsules one night when I was bored, and had the most earth-shattering experience of my life. Hallucinations were so intense that I could not recognize people and could not understand what they were saying. I saw spinning pinwheels made of knife blades reflecting all the colors of the rainbow on the walls. I thought I was shivering from cold at one point, and remarked as much to a friend of mine (this before I was hallucinating so heavily that I couldn't recognize or uderstand people). He told me I wasn't shivering at all; I realized he was right, and the sensation that I was shivering suddenly changed to a sensation that I had powerful electrical energies pulsing through my body.

I had many more bizarre experiences that night (including a mild panic when I thought I was moving backward in time), but I don't want to drone on here. Suffice it to say that the drug is real, and the descriptions of its effects on this board are not exaggerations.

Exp Year: 1979ExpID: 2190
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2000Views: 8,621
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2C-B (52) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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